Hive microbloging to increase active users - Dbuzz Microblogging

in ethereum •  4 years ago 

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Always take in consideration non of this information is financial advice or official announcement from any specific project, I’m no financial advisor, trader or expert, this is just my personal opinion on certain project mention on this article, cryptocurrencies are extreme high risk assets and you must do you own research, never follow what I or other people say on internet

Hive microbloging to increase active users - Dbuzz Microblogging

I want to make something clear and its not only for Hive but for all crypto social media platforms, same as Bitcoin was a hidden GEM before 2017 I think platforms like Hive and not saying Hive is going to $100, I believe that crypto social media platforms has not been discover by average users, 2019 - 2020 IMO has also been the year where centralize social media platforms like Youtube, Twitter, Facebook have come down harder on crypto related material, basically excluding part of their users and that's the small group where we are now, Hive right now IMO is the most develop platform to an extend that we are starting to see more and more dapps coming up every few months, the most recent I have been active is

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There are platforms within the Hive ecosystem has grown very fast but there are certain aspects that are holding it down, as describe by devs before, infrastructure and the mess than Steem Inc left, is been taking care but let's be realistic its only been less than a year and usually forks are not at the same level of the original coin, in this case Steemit but at the moment of this post Hive has been head to head with its predecessor, I think this is one of those rare times the fork is so even and at some points through time surpass its original chain, but this post is not about Steem.

The community stay together after the fork, we all have been looking for way to onboard more people but yes its hard to do so during a bear market with high volatility, price goes 30% on a regular market and that suicide synomym, not everyone is prepared for such moves and wont buy back, only degens that have been on crypto for more than two years understand this, crypto cycles move in 4 years time frame, so lets put aside the price because at this point in time of Hive been a blockchain we should not look or talk about price but refer to development, I see some people complaining on a daily basis because they bought at $1 before the fork, stop it.

Posting an article with content that matters to others, that contribute to others people life every day is not easy, my posts are essentially about personal opinion of market state or any crypto related project so its actually to keep a record of my investments and thoughts the market, Crypto for me is a side hustle after my 8-1 job and my IT clients on the side, after this then I take care of crypto, in this case Hive, if you have been long enough on Hive you should already know that in order to make profit out of your content you need to show up every day and thats more easy to say than done, but a recent Hive dapp has show up that is more convenient to the average user, the user that is not a writer, that don't or can't write and article every day but same as all of us has an opinion and knows how to express it on short sentences,, you can call it a clone or similar to Twitter platform. IMO similar to twitter because a clone is an exact copy and that's not what is at the moment.

Dbuzz is currently in Betta gathering feedback from the early users and yes there will be bugs, inconveniences that we may think why this is not working, well there are aspects like making queries to API are not that efficient and running a Hive node is not an easy task, it takes resources for example time and money.

Microblogging can actually bring in more users than ever to Hive and same as Twitter there will be active users who will develop a following and will post beneficial content, I'm currently that active on twitter but I do have a selective list of users who I follow all legit crypto analyst/trader/investors and soon we will start to see such phenomenons on D.Buzz, I'm currently running an experiment on the side with a empty blank account to measure how profitable is D.Buzz for users on the network, at the same time I have decided to delegate all the Hive I generate using D.Buzz to @dbuzz for curation. Same as most crypto currency projects all Hive needs is marketing and a word of mouth marketing, the fundamentals, I understand during Bear market it was hard to onboard ppl into crypto but now at NEW ALL TIME HIGHS, it could be easier and this party is just starting, yes Hive price against BTC keeps going down but HIVE/USDT is traveling within a channel so it's just a matter of time until it spikes up and decides to make this a new leve, for 2021 I could probably say $0.25 at september 2021 considering Bitcoin keeps ripping.

On one of last post @Blocktrades made, they mention how important is second layer for Hive and how this would affect Hive Tokens and Dapps, "a rising tide lifts all boats" with Bitcoin at new all time highs and Hive wont be the exception, I don't believe there are many sellers at the moment, if that were the case Hive would dip below $0.05 but we havent seen that, as a fact its USD value has been ranging between $0.10 to $0.15 even if its BTC value has gone down and that's normal for altcoins when Bitcoin start ripping.

HIVE/BTC Daily Chart

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HIVE/USDT Daily Chart

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Take in consideration that the HIVE/BTC Dip is not that big neither, there will be a time when Bitcoin creates a support level and altcoins price will stabilize on its BTC value, consider there have been users accumulating Hive and generating more Hive on a daily basis, look at @penguinpablo graphics

The amount of users and post created are very stable and there is more Hive powering up than power down, also the of effort to onboard more users has been increase, myself have already got two friends into Dbuzz and find it way more easy than using Hive for blogging and doing the entire templates, schedule, upvote, community and drama thing, just Buzzing all day same as they do on Twitter but with the potential to make some income out of it and one have already consider start creating articles, so microblogging could be the key to potentially onboard new users who eventually could be interested in the rest of the Hive ecosystem.

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