Islam is a religion of neibherhood.

in essay •  3 years ago 


Islam has emphasis several principles so that relationship among members of the society may be justly and finally organised foremost among these principles in social justice with all the station and Kannauj station the term may involve the am behind social justice was to found a society that enjoys peace affection and welfare indeed Justin Islam is not restricted to be practiced on muslim only rather it is the genuine right of all members of the society regardless of anything else
Meaning and significance of justice justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics arsenal ti natural law religion equality and fairness in Islam all view justice stands for placing things in their rightful place it also means giving others equal treatment with no this crimination what your justice is the basic of human life and the fundamental principles among which human society spreads it encompasses all the aspects of human life and enables remarkable Islam laws great emphasis on social justice because it facilities the established ment of social order that enables human to develop their human qualities live in peace and living peaceful life in possible only when we are just in our thinking and activities Allah said in the holy Quran in did we send our messengers with clear evidence and sent down with them the book and the balance so that people may establish justice in Islam justice is significant as it is one of the 99 divine attributes of Allah Allah almighty is the Eva just the Quran standard of justice friendship consideration of race religion colour and create as Muslims are commanded to be just to their friends and falls alag and to be just all levels as their Quran verse puts it o you who believe stand out formally for justice is witness to Allah.
We must care for our parents as our responsibility as speciality in the rich all as Quran reminds us that after being loyal to allah we must be good to our parents once a man came to the prophet and said.
We must help the offence and the needy by sharing with them part of our wealth through paying the cord and volume 3 charity the blessed effect on said he is not a Muslim who sleeps with his stomach full well is never stay hungry Islam teaches us to be prepared to see your or we have with those who do not have it.
At last I pray to Allah that we all muslims we be just in our society.

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