QOTD: If you didn't understood the contract fairly is it void?

in epistem •  2 years ago 

Removing the green belt around the mind may prove very difficult for the average joe

Slowly laying it out for the common layman to grasp


It is just another day or so you believe it to. Your gaurdians are getting out a game board. Its monopoly. You never played it before so you get excited. Your eager to play.

They don't tell you that there will be a loser, only how to play in basics. Roll the dice, and do what the board tells you. Choose what you want within the supposed means you have available.

You play until finally, your the first one out. You got forced into bankruptcy because you could not pay rent in the devils house.

And now your out of the game, crying like a little bitch. Wanting to go back into the game to end up with the same conclusion. You don't know this however. You want to "win".

Winning is who is the last one left. But soon you learn it is the bank that always win.

The differences between that game board and the monetary system we utilize today, in real life, is not so different at all. It is very similar but on a broader scale and much more players. Thus the circulation of currency take much longer. No need for more banks, one banker is all that is required. So long as the bank keeps up with printing currency with the demand that is needed, the other players last longer, making the bank richer and more powerful.

With each passing turn you collect your salery but each time you get "wiser" in scheming. You figure out more ways to trick other players psychologically to give up more for your sake. This may even come appearing as an instict, unconsciously being more "clever" than the rest. But at the end your still a schemer playing a scam to finish the whole round and manage to keep rolling the dice another day.

Is this really how you want to spend your life? Do you really think this is freedom? Do you really think simply because you recieve currency of any kind we have today, signify you are free?

You go to the bank and deposit fiat currency. Little to your knowledge and understanding, what you actually have done is give it away.

"What is not in your possession is not yours to call it private property, unless you have the force necessary to keep it from those that want what you have." - @yayogerardo

To expand on the term force it can mean more in a broader perspective. Force, in this anology, can mean the force that induces fear into the thief from the risk of being caught.

A thief would not dare risk stealing if the ratio of getting away with it is greater than that of getting caught, and this is entirely a belief within the thiefs head. Hence why they "risk" to do it. Even to believe just a tiny fraction that they will get away with it, they will do it, and the more succesful they become doing it, the more confidence they have in doing so and the more "clever" they get to come up with new ways to do it too without physically having to take it.

It would be more beneficial for the thief, if the one who got their goods stolen from did not they were getting robbed, but rather believe if it was for the greater good, and thus handed you their goods with no force necessary at all. Now how do you think they can manage to do that?

Call a child an idiot a thousand times and they will believe it to be true.

That is how we program a mind. Repetition of frases and events thus causes the person to be subjective to those things as part of their nature, their normality.

Repetitive phrases such as;
We need money, money makes the world go round, fame and riches are the goals in life, we need governments, this is your name, this is your home, we are your parents, etc etc etc etc etc.

Any phrase done in repetitions will engrave it deeper into your mind making it a part of your reality. More so if you act on it in favor of completing what was done to you.

"We need to tax everyone and everything"
"Taxation is necessary for society"
Blah blah blah

No it is not.

For the statist this must be the hardest thing to accept. To accept taxation for what it is, a T-REx:
Robbery and

Many want to point to the constitution as proof that taxes applies to citizens and right they are, if they classify themselves as slaves citizens that is.

It it also hard the statist that the constitution is a legal contract. Did you sign it? No? Then it doesn't apply to you.

No need to over complicate it. BUT the statist will regardless. There is no hope for the devout statist to be free. Let them be.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Repetir las frases solo ayuda al condicionamiento de la persona Si bien es cierto se ha elegido en los últimos años optar por potenciar lo positivo, frases que ayuden a romper estados psicológicos. Muchas veces olvidamos que los principales condicionamientos provienen de nuestros padres. La primera sociedad que vivimos es nuestro hogar y en ellos se nos llena el vaso con las primeras gotas de sabiduría. Volviendo a la observación principal la sociedad es un mundo de condicionamiento perpetuo y solo algunos optan por pensar diferente y son pre juzgados por ello.

Repeating phrases only helps the conditioning of the person While it is true that in recent years it has been chosen to choose to enhance the positive, phrases that help to break psychological states. Many times we forget that the main conditioning comes from our parents. The first society we live in is our home and in them we get our first drops of wisdom. Returning to the main observation, society is a world of perpetual conditioning and only some choose to think differently and are pre-judged for it.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Muy cierto. Gracias en clarificar. Nos ayuda a todos.

Asi tambien igual que podemos estar condicionados creer mentiras como verdad, se puede hacer en condicionar un joven en desarrollar las mentiras y ilusiones. Tambien para aguantar estar abajo de estar juzgado continuamente por pensar diferente del grupo.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow. These are strong opinions. Truly, the weak and poor are just pawns in the hands of the wealthy and powerful, as they can manipulate people and events to there favor.

Nice work in psychology @yayogerardo. You could include #psychology in similar post in the future, so that others who wish to write within this niche can see what can be classified as psychology.

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Posted from https://blurtlatam.com