💋Diary of an undergraduate💋 (Episode 2)

in epistem •  2 years ago 

Diary of an undergraduate (Episode 2)

Ama's room is well furnished. Washing machine, microwave etc Infact it has a touch of class.

🌟I opened the door and walked in. I got the shock of my life. 18 years old Ama was in a "69" position with man old enough to be her grandfather. The man was moaning loudly like a frog 🐸. Yuck!!! There's music playing in the room. So u won't hear the moan if u are outside U will only hear the music.

🌙The man was eating Amas punani like he is eating freshly cooked egusi soup with pounded yam. I walked closer to them. They jolted back. The man was not scared but ama was shocked to see me. She was furious...

🌟THE MAN : (sounding angry) Ama have u seen why I told u I hate going to student environment. Now imagine this. Why didn't u lock the door

🌙AMA: (about crying) I'm so sorry chief.

🌟With that chief wore his dress and angrily dropped a cheque on the dressing table and left. Ama then used that moment to tongue lash me. She was very furious and disappointed.
I am naturally a quiet person so I didn't answer rudely. It then dawned on me that I know chief


🌙I have come across his pic on her phone and when I asked she told me its her father's business partner and family friend. I decided to remind her of it. And reassured her that she I am her friend. That she can confide in me She said:

🌟AMA: Angela, truthfully life hasn't been fair my dad is a security guard and my mum is a house wife. Chief is among the men that sustain me in school. ........

🌙As she was still talking, breeze blew the cheque on the dressing table to the floor. I bent down to pick it up. What I saw left me dumbfounded. My heart ♥️ jumped out of my chest and flew into my 👄 mouth. Whaaaattt!!!!. A whooping 500,000 Naira?? That's my whole family Income for 10years. And Ama got it in few minutes. Unbelievable!!!!!!!

🌟Ama tapped me and brought me back to reality. she immediately realized why I was surprised.

🌙Ama: Angela I understand ur shock. Listen I have bigger gist and surprise for you. Permit me to Change you!.

welcome to Ama's world. world of surprises.

🌟MARTIN LUTHER KING jnr once said :
Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.

Something is about to change and I can feel it..
Stay tuned.......

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  ·  2 years ago  ·