Marvelous Marvin Versus The Establishment

in epistem •  2 years ago 

If you ever got one of those silly tickets for not complying with the covid restrictions then you might wanna follow this court case.

If you were even sillier enough to pay said ticket then you definitely need to follow this case.

Marvin Haberland is a German engineer who studied at Berkeley USA. He was already geared up for this fight having studied Duesberg, Mullis, The Perth Group and Lanka's work so he knew the restrictions were bogus and he never followed them.
Also Marvin is HOT!


Eventually the restrictions ended up on his doorstep (literally) in that he was not allowed to leave his own house without a mask on. So he did and he got a ticket.

I was kinda hoping I would get one of these tickets myself but no-one ever bothered me and my maskless face here. I guess the Germans are a bit more geared up to that sort of thing than the Irish.

So now he has the perfect opportunity to take the whole covid scam to court by fighting this ticket on the grounds that the Infection Protection Act has not been followed to the letter of the law stated in the very first paragraph namely the scientific method was NOT followed regarding the virus as:

  1. no control experiments were ever done
  2. the virus was never isolated using scientific methodology
  3. as numbers 1 and 2 were not fulfilled then the genome can also not be accurate as claimed


For now he thinks he only needs to focus on the first point to discredit the whole of the Act in it's entirety.

No need to go into details of the science before judges who know nothing about virology and the fraud it has perpetrated since the 1950's.
He has all the proof he needs to show no control experiments were done at any point and he even has it in writing from the scientific establishments themselves.

It's a pretty clear cut case which was set to be heard on the 19th October with a pretty sizeable crowd gearing up to attend the momentous event. Basically it would be like witnessing the whole of the covid circus actors/clowns getting pied.

But guess what. Yeh it got delayed due to the judge being 'off sick'. (Covid sick or scared sick?) Kinda reminds me of those scammers I posted about yesterday putting me on hold every time I asked an awkward question LOL. Are they stalling for time. You bet they are.

Maybe they are remembering the Lanka measles court case and how they eventually had to climb down and admit they had no measles virus. Embarrassing but not as embarrassing as doing it twice. If they followed their own rules the Infection Protection Act would be null and void from that point on anyway!!

If this court case ever materializes you can bet the crowd wanting to attend is only going to grow and grow the longer they leave it. Damn I'm even wishing I could go myself.

I wonder if Lanka himself will turn up to support Marvin in this historical pieing of the government, the judiciary and the whole covid industry in one fell swoop.

Is this going to be biblical or just another damp squib like the Fuellmich 'Corona Investigative Committee' pantomime? Did you even see what happened with that bunch of clowns? Hilarious.
If you want to watch the 4hr fallout session of that committee knock yourself out -


Finally Sam Bailey has released an interview with him in English. Been waiting all week for it.

For those who can speak German here's an earlier interview with Marvin by Torsten Engelbrecht -

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I never followed the last gasps of the CIC. I recall far too many questions veered down a dirt track, so assumed it was going to be much ado about nothing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I didn't know there were last gasps, and I'm watching the committee grovel now. It isn't pretty.

You should see the video's of Fuellmich slagging them all off it's hilarious.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

oy, con men abound.

Yup it was clearly a money raking operation and Fuellmich raked it all into his own coffer. Having Wodarg on board was also a bad sign and then the whole Kaufman/Lanka show that went tits up was the icing on the cake for me. Bunch of clowns.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

money raked in from where?
Far too many "wrong questions" for me - it felt like "truth-avoidance" tactics. lmfao. hence I stopped watching.

Did you watch the hearing they were on about? Just seemed like a corporate business meeting all about how much money they can make with their backhander deals with the Commission. My god what a shower of crooks they all are. The dissidents are quite funny tho. Defo lots of wrong questions and arse licking going on yeh. Like I said tho they want us to know it's all bullshit. Except Moderna, hahaha they're off the hook.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And how many of the believers will now flip belief that they were oh so deluded?
If I had planned this, I'd be laughing so fuckin hard now! I will have the next play ready.

I can't recall which video it was from, but do recall a short clip of some talking head saying essentially:"The biggest discovery was how easily controlled humans can be. That's it. Hence, they will be controlled."
Echoes what Delgado said about electronic mind control.
There is no accommodation - destroy the phone network is the first step.

I have always believed the no smoking rule in pubs was to stop us all planning the revolution LOL. The internet is the new 'pub'. Hence the censorship.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The air is so clean now.
yeah, coz there's nobody here.
another planned social disaster - unless you love woketard bistro-pubs.
I suspect was another attack on small business owners - only the chains survive.

Yup they've been chipping away at small businesses for a long time. I know coz I had my own business too. Bloody nightmares.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I would say that the networking with other lawyers who presented their own findings on camera and gave insights into their respective work, as well as other professionals, were worth it in themselves that the committee existed at all. Had it not existed, I think the scene would have been a lot poorer. If you measure a thing only by its legal outcome and not by its social impact, I think you leave too much out of the equation.

Those who are too naïve not to realise that every public appearance also contains parts of PR and strategy are probably disappointed now. But it's like advertising. If I take advertising and its promises for granted, I am like a child hoping for presents. To now say "it all came to nothing" is as exaggerated, as one can read in the comment section underneath the CIC video as it was back then, when people cheered "in the end we will win!"

I would like to see those who dare to put themselves on the stage like this with a clear name, with their professional existence and with a presumably permanent registration with the authorities.

I would therefore say that the work of the committee has been worthwhile, if only for what I have heard and experienced from those interviewed. Whether the committee took "too much" from donors is of no interest to me insofar as I have never donated myself and therefore do not feel cheated. Those who feel they have been cheated must fight it out for themselves or try to reclaim their donation money.

For me, internal quarrels are a sign that people are no longer acutely dependent on each other. Adversity welds people together, and the cessation of adversity opens up spaces for disagreement.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Your posts are ok...a bit Germanic, but interesting.

Please forgive me for being a prick, i was trying to make a point!

At least you are not a flat earther...


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I'm not a globe earther either and I thought being a prick was your forte

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Not really, i mostly just agree to differ these days! I did used to be more argumentative but in this day and age i cant be arsed. In fact im mostly looking for points of agreement, for example, my fav transvestigator Mr E is a christian flat earther, and you are a vegan flat earther? Oh well, i just wont go there...

But vaxtards, i let those retarded cunts have it both barrels!

Posted from

Well I don't really go there either, I only go there when pushed to. Like when they launch project bluebeam and the fake alien landing LOL

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I always had some doubts about the Covid-19 "scandal". And nothing confirmed it more that when I heard Biden out of the blues saying "The Pandemic Is over". It birthed so many questions that are yet to be answered, like how exactly did they arrest this menace that literally kept the world in standstill for a year plus.

No clear difference between a covid patient and a patient suffering from severe malaria.

I'm definitely going to follow up this case. 19th is a week from now. I hope your Marvin succeeds, but I know "they" won't let him.

The case has been postponed as I said. It will not be on the 19th now coz the judge is 'off sick'. A bit like the CEO of Pfizer not turning up for the EU hearing. They're all running scared or something...

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Just watched the video with Dr. Bailey and Marvin Haberland, very interesting. Hamburg is where I live, by the way :)

Oh really?! That's amazing you can go to the court case (if it ever happens). Out of interest had you heard nothing about this being there? Has the local paper not mentioned it? Am guessing no.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I have not been following the news of the "alternative media" (MSM anyway) for a long time, so I cannot tell. The only source I follow regularly is, and I listen to people from my personal environment who sometimes bring me news.

Maybe I would go there, but I wouldn't make any promises. I actually don't like the people who jump up on such occasions to air their own grievances or to show what they are for or against. Unfortunately, at my friend's court hearing, this happened the second or third time and she was really pissed off about it. It can certainly affect the judge and you don't want him to get upset with the audience and pass it on to the plaintiff or the defendant.

In Marvin's case he has openly asked for people to come and support him. He wants the judge to see how much support he has. I don't hold out much hope to be brutally honest because if he wins everyone else who paid their fines will have to be refunded and that's a lot of money!!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My friend also said "sure, come and join the hearing" to a person who asked her and with which she was only superficially acquainted. She regretted it afterwards, for she was not thinking it through that "support" can also mean that it goes the other direction and impacts the scene in a destructive way. You never know.

I think it is more than just winning or losing. Every time you get in touch with the "other camp" and you have a somewhat organized hearing (thats why I like the name of it), it has some effect on the whole. It would go too far here to share what I have experienced during the court day but I can assure you, the people were impressed and the judge was impressed by what my friend was speaking about.

It is the number of cases, the number of people who take up the smart parts in their single cases and if they are able to speak for themselves without immediately making enemies on the scene. I am positive that this will have a long term effect.

If it is too expensive to let him win, justice will find its way in another way.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I would not say that the work of the committee has been in vain. It has been all that could be imagined in such long and continuous meetings. Interesting, exciting, controversial, flawed, ridiculous, funny, enlightening, entertaining etc.

People live on hope and in the times when the committee had formed, they seemed to be in dire need of it. For my part, I have always looked with two eyes and seen the full-bodied promises as what Füllmich also presented them as between the lines: As a strategy. The tactic of "I'm already acting like a winner" may be questionable (and I don't mind questioning it), but I wouldn't entirely deny the effect that such a thing created.

People were looking for something and found it in the committee. As long as the situation was so pressurised and acute, people were fine with being shown as optimistic and strong in the committee. I see it more as a social phenomenon than an organisation dealing with the tedious details of litigation.

They would never have found the time to be in front of the microphone so much. I have seen a direct case where someone was first assured of the legal advice of one of the committee members because of penalty notices, but he then pulled out and recommended a colleague who was then also unavailable.

In the end, my friend fought the case alone, without legal assistance. She won one case and lost the other. I was present at one of the three court hearings. It was an interesting thing, especially the attitude of the judge.

Many of the lawyers who were on the front line during that time were unable to deal with the many requests and so it was as it always is. You only take on people you know or get referred by close acquaintances. In the end, everyone is on their own.

The fact that the members of the committee are now fighting over money is insofar a sign of "the whole organisation can now dissolve", because those who fight over money have the luxury and the focus on that, no longer on the actual work.

The people who donated money to the committee did so voluntarily, no one forced them and I see it more as they were given money for the time spent than for the legal proceedings they hoped for. So they have received a surplus, as someone who has donated, I would weigh up whether it is worth pursuing or whether I am satisfied with the work that has been done so far.

If this committee had indeed been so deemed disagreeable by the authoritarian bodies, then they would probably have disappeared from the public stage much sooner, as has been the case with some others. The question is why they were allowed to do so. But you have to give them some credit, I think.

I always saw the committee as gatekeepers myself and this was confirmed for us all when they finally interviewed Lanka. I warned people not to drink the hopium or donate the need for hope was very strong yes. It just brings it home that no-one is gonna save us, we have to save ourselves this time.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What do you mean by gatekeeper? For whom or what?

In this case I's say they were gatekeeping for the legal establishment, gathering 'evidence' but filtering out anything they deemed 'dangerous' to the whole establishment like the fact they never had a virus in the first place. I know I'm harping on but it is the key to this whole thing. Without it they will keep playing this game until that one thing is finally exposed. They are keeping the game going by not letting certain people in to play their card.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm stunned that it can be seen that way. I for one have thought at many of the meetings that it is already way beyond what the establishment can bear. From a lawyer's point of view, it may be a matter of timing and one's own personal development as a lawyer on something this big. They were far more cautious at the beginning than they have become over time. You just underestimate that impact because you're very deep into the issue, how shocked the establishment was/is that you can even get the idea that there might be something wrong with the virus theory or AIDS, etc.

You can only hand a person as much responsibility as they are capable of holding. If you overtax him, he immediately shuts down, is unresponsive and stonewalls for all he's worth. Won't he?

This as not about public opinion or what the public can 'take'. It's about cold hard facts and the law. You can't have censorship in this scenario. There was censorship so it was a scam IMO.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I beg to differ. It is all about the established view. What began a hundred years ago (or more), got foot into society and therefor the medicine sector, you will not be able to make go away altogether and maybe even not within your lifetime.
In order to change a worldview (which it is in my notion), strong like it is, you need a steady breath. And, despite things not taking up speed or are not as successful as one likes it to be, to not bother too much. In order not to wore yourself out or become fatalistic, for example.

For me, your argument comes across like this: You live in a house with several rooms, where you find a nice neighborhood, have water and electricity, but some leaky and old windows. You say that this house is all trash and the landlord has scammed you.

Füllmich stated that one of the interviews from which they recorded a session has not been streamed, because Ms. Fischer decided not to put it online. If that is true, I also find it a bad move and would also be pissed if others got no hearing. But I still argue that the rest of their work was worth it and payed into the greater movement itself. I see that you don't see it that way, so it's just two different judgements about one organization.

If I would dump everything where I find flaws as a scam, I would be very busy to find flaws and may oversee where there was the opposite.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Did you read the German critique of the committee's Lanka interview?
It was clear to the 'no virus' camp (using the word camp loosely) that the committee was rinsing people for money and buying time before his interview confirmed it.
I was suspicious way back in 2020 when Fuellmich got himself arrested at one of the London demo's very publicly obviously to garner publicity and sympathy. I thought it odd that a top lawyer let himself be dragged away yet no-one else who spoke that day did.
It's easier to fool someone than to show them they've been fooled.
German version here:

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