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It was a nice read. Lately, my attention and interest has been drawn to the psychopath by @rycharde and the current popularizing of Political Ponerology within the independent media. I don't agree with the entire theory but am trying to add my perspective on human nature to the discussion, which has become extremely important during these times.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother, at least you can think, which seems quite rare these days.

So true! Thanks! 🙏

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Been saying this on and off for... prob 5 years at least. A bit late now, having to now break down the door when it has been ajar for years - decades.

Would be good to add your take rather than just linking - although good too, to know what else is out there.

Would be good to add your take rather than just linking - although good too, to know what else is out there.

When I first created the Steemit Community Steem Links, I noticed immediately that most people would just respond without having read the article, which is okay. But what I had hoped for was finding people who were genuinely interested in the kinds of topics I enjoy. I really found none; I mean zero! I didn't want to create that Community, but the Steemit Team suggested it and offered to help curate once in a while. What I had originally intended was to simply use the #steemlinks tag. You see, what motivated me to start doing this was that Facebook would not allow me to share these links on my page. On Steemit, I didn't find like-minded folks; Hive, got downvoted; Blurt... you guys are awesome! I have been able to connect with people who are actually willing to engage on these topics.

Secondly, I really like to hear out other people's thoughts on these subjects, even if they don't read the article entirely. I don't agree with everything I share, but I like that I can share it. And yes, I like being rewarded for it! 🤣 😎 But I'm also liking very much the comments and dialogues that take place here on Blurt. I have never rewarded comments the way I do now!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Right - these topics are dangerous.
They may not always look it... but there be dragons lurking deep inside.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There's a great docu called Forbidden Knowledge - still on YT, I hope - that deals with dangerous physics, and how appallingly those pioneers were treated by other so-called scientists. Theories that now are standard. Boltzmann is particularly tragic.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Is actually Dangerous Knowledge
can't quickly find the full vid, used to be on YT.

Wow! Yes! I actually have the whole series, I think there are three parts. I saw it years ago, and still have it on one of my external hard-drives. By the way, they were all Dynamic Assertives! 🤪 🤓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yeah, a little gem of a series IMO.
Altho in terms of huge groundbreaking ideas, I'd have added Bernhard Riemann, but he doesn't fit into the tragic death narrative - albeit tragically young. All the 4 died by the hell of other people! Their incomprehension manifested as malice.
I used to show these vignettes to some students - for them to try and understand the meanings behind the symbols.