Solar Panels Produce Tons of Toxic Waste—Literally

in environment •  8 months ago 

Beyond the clear misallocation of resources and energy market price distortions, there are numerous human health concerns directly related to the manufacture and disposal of solar panels.

Source: Solar Panels Produce Tons of Toxic Waste—Literally - Foundation for Economic Education

Solar is generally seen as a good replacement for fossil fuels in many cases because of it's perceived benefit to the environment, primarily in the form of reduced carbon emissions. However, you rarely here about the potential negative impacts of solar on the environment. Do the benefits outweigh the negatives? I don't know but I'm not sure that anybody really knows at this point. Personally, I worry more about the toxic chemicals released in to the environment due to solar panel manufacturing or recycling than I do carbon emissions. Perhaps the impact to the environment form solar panel manufacture and recycling can be mitigated but in the rush to replace carbon with solar and other alternatives at all costs, I'm afraid nobody is even paying attention.

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