in entrepreneurship •  4 years ago 

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Entrepreneurs have faced the fear of rejection at some point in business or the other. The fear is so strong that some of the entrepreneurs resort to living a half versions of who they really are, just to avoid being told "NO" by a client. However, we'll get to know how this can be overcome as we proceed.


1 Name your fears.

2 Face your fears and welcome rejection.

3 Get uncomfortable every single day.

4 Celebrate.

5 Let fear guide you, not drive you.


1 Name your fears.

The very first step to take is to acknowledge your fears and write them down. Just list all that you've often avoided due to fear of rejection. Also, ensure to include everything you wished to or asked for, that you become afraid that people might tell you NO.

Sometimes, you've been desiring a promotion in your office, but due to fear of rejection, you've stayed away from asking for it. Be very honest about all these things that you've avoided. Name them down and you'll discover that they are less likely to surprise you.

2 Face your fears and welcome rejection.

The very first step was to name your fears down. However, having listed them, you now have to confront the one after the other. To be able to overcome them, you need to write down exactly the opposite of each of what you're afraid of doing. Assuming you're afraid of talking to people about your business, take the bold step and start talking to a lot of people about it. Start it bit by bit, when you're comfortable about it, go higher by telling a lot of people.

3 Get uncomfortable every single day.

This sounds somehow right? Yeah! By getting uncomfortable, it means doing the exactly the opposite of all that you have feared to do. That little discomfort daily is geared towards making you break loose from the cage of fear. Get uncomfortable daily to the point of becoming comfortable being uncomfortable.

When fear is doing the driving, you’ll end up going away from the thing that you want. Confront what you’re afraid of and take the steering wheel back in a habitual way, repeatedly everyday.

The truth is, everyone encounter rejection at some point. Being rejected shouldn't stop you. What you should be concerned about is how to be successful in your business.

4 Celebrate.

Celebration is very important. Even in your rejection, you've at some point succeeded in certain engagement, celebrate it. Do not be overwhelmed by rejection, learn to reflect and celebrate your success.

When you take some time to celebrate, you will train your mind to respond to the results of your bold action. This will equally make you to appreciate your results each time you try something unusual.

5 Let fear guide you, not drive you.

Fear only comes when you're trying something unusual, something new to you and something you're not certain of. Let fear make you study and research well about all the steps you wish to take. Let it make you wise and bold. Fear shouldn't put you down, but should make you wake up to your responsibilities.

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Hey I hate to tell you man but your content is very so-so

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yeah! But there's always room for improvement.
I'll work harder!😘