in entrepreneurship •  4 years ago 

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Stepping out of your zone of comfort is a must if your desire to succeed. Comfort zone can deprive you of knowing your hidden talents and what you're good at. Staying in comfort zone is doing a particular set of things for a long time without daring to introduce changes. The first step to conquer your comfort zone is determination. It can be scary to leave one's comfort zone, but the reasons why it's completely worth it are outlined below.


1 You'll uncover new skills.

2 You might find a new passion.

3 You might fall back in love with your old job.

4 You'll grow as a person and an employee.


1 You'll uncover new skills.

Working for a long time in a particular field can make you develop specific set of skills to accomplish your daily activities, thus making you to forget looking for more of the skills you may have. This would deprive you of discovering more about your endowment.

However, shaking up in your daily activities can expose you to knowing other areas you're expertise. When you find time to discover yourself, you would be shocked that there are skills you have that are hidden to you.

2 You might find a new passion.

One cannot actually discover what he loves if he has never tried it. The first step to discover your passion is to make a move towards trying out certain things. Try out something new, be courageous and hopeful. Dream big and make findings to know exactly what drives you. There's no way you would dare to try out something new that you would not learn in the process. What you learn can eventually became what you love.

3 You might fall back in love with your old job.

When you try out something new, you can discover even your areas of weakness in your old job and address it. Trying out something new would help you become more versatile, you get to know and master a lot of things to add value to your career. Trying something new can make you to love your old job, and then become more enthusiastic and committed towards it, because by trying out something new, you may get to sharpen your skills.

4 You'll grow as a person and an employee.

When you learn new things, you know more and become experienced, renewed and more skilled. Learning and doing new things improves one's level of professionalism.

When you leave your comfort zone to know more, you would eventually equip yourself more for the challenges ahead. You'll become more adaptive and capable of handling what were difficult to you.

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