We are Humans, Not Animals. End SARS Now

in endsars •  4 years ago 

It is no news anymore to Nigerians and the entire humanity across the globe about the ongoing protests and campaigns on the motion of putting an end to brutality and killings of Nigerians by those we thought are meant to protect us from armed criminals.

SARS is a faction of the Nigerian police force that is meant to be an anti-criminal agency to serve, protect and ensure the safety of Nigerians citizens from criminals but the reverse has been the case for a long time.

SARS has a faction of the Nigerian police force has turned itself into the fear that we Nigerians live to avoid every single day of our lives. They don't do their job as they are meant to do it, instead, they go on illegal activities (if actually, the government knows nothing about it), to extort and kill people.
They have become a nightmare to all Nigerians by stripping off their human rights, killing of innocent people, extortion of money from people, raping, abuse of power on people, and the worst of it all, conniving with criminals to steal from the people.

SARS don't see an average Nigerian as someone who is eligible to own a car, a good phone and a laptop. They tag such people as fraudsters without carrying out any form of investigation and at the end of it all, they force the victims to bribe them before they let them go.
Also, it was never in the constitution or written anywhere that SARS is eligible to abuse your privacy on the road by collecting your phones to see what you have on it, it was never their job to come to your house to ask you for your laptop for them to go through it, it was never their job to ask for driver's license if you own a vehicle, it was never their right to lock you up in a cell for 3 weeks without a reason and still deprive you of calling your lawyer or anyone.

SARS has ended many people's lives and make a lot of parents childless, SARS has brought pains and sorrows to so many lives and homes, SARS has never been good news to many Nigerians and the SARS has never brought happiness to anyone.
Nigerians have cried out many times on the streets and social media for the Nigerian government's intervention but the government kept quiet and did nothing about it.

Now that it has become a case of protest and fightback from the people, the entire world has gotten to know the pain we face in Nigeria, our dearest government decided to intervene cos it doesn't want to tarnish its reputation in world's settings. How ironic.

I plead with the world and not our government cos I know that they will only reform SARS into another killing agency. I use this medium to plead with the world at large, the UN and ECOWAS to intervene in the ongoing abuse of power by SARS.

We want SARS to be depleted and not reformed. We want Nigerian police to be given a close look cos many of the officers are corrupt, we want the people to live in peace and not in fear.

We want the government to #EndSARS


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