A sign of the end of the world or doomsday.

in end •  7 months ago 

Various signs or signs have been mentioned in the Islamic tradition as signs of the last days or doomsday. These signs are divided into major and minor. Smaller signs will appear first, larger signs will appear later. Here are some notable signs:


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Small signs:

  1. Knowledge and religious education will decline.
  2. Fornication and adultery will increase.
  3. Drinking and other haram activities will increase.
  4. Lies and deceit will increase.
  5. There will be pestilence and famine.
  6. Religious leaders will go astray and teach wrongly.
  7. Injustice and corruption will increase.
  8. Honest people will decrease and number of sinful people will increase.

Major Signs:

  1. Arrival of Mahadev Durjan - Dajjal (Great Calamity) will appear.
  2. Appearance of Imam Mahdi - Imam Mahdi will appear as the right guide of the end times.
  3. Great Deluge or Great War - There will be various wars where Muslims will face hard times.
  4. Coming of Isa (as) - Prophet Isa (as) will return to earth.
  5. Emergence of Yajuz-Majuj - The arrival of Yajuz and Majuj nations and their calamities.
  6. Sun Rising in the West - The Sun will change its normal course and rise in the West.
  7. Coming of Dabbatul Arad - A special creature will appear that will talk to people.
  8. Coming of smoke - A great smoke that will cover the whole earth.

These signs are known from various hadiths and Islamic sources. However, Allah Ta'ala knows when and how doomsday will occur. Muslims should keep their faith strong and try to follow the right path.

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