Our Emotions Dictate our Lives

in emotions •  2 years ago 

Yesterday I met up with a very good friend of mine who has now shifted back to India from Oman. She has come down for a couple of days for some work. When she was around here in Oman we would spend a lot of time together and we would share almost anything and everything with each other. Though I will not say that she is my best friend but yes there is a very good bonding with her and it's more at a spiritual level that we connect with each other. Through out the day we were talking about many things and also reliving the times we spent together. Actually we were a group of 3, but now 1 of the girl has drifted apart from us. She still lives in Oman but she is out in her own world. And me and my friend were both talking about her as to how people change with time.

This girl when she was very new in the city me and my friend we made our best efforts to make her feel comfortable, we would always accompany her everywhere so that she does not feel alone in the new city. And when she was new in the city she was also going through a rough patch in her life, she would come to me for healings as well. Somewhere I felt that we had developed an emotional bonding. But gradually her life started improving and she started drifting apart from us. Me and my friend were both feeling bad about this. We were not able to understand her behavior, and how someone could be so self-centered. Yesterday we ended up talking a lot about her and I was feeling pained once again thinking of her behavior. Though now we are already at a distance, I found it very selfish of someone to behave in that manner.


To think of it many people do that, in their low times they try to reach out to people who can be of assistance to them and when they are back in their highs they happily kick them out of their lives. I always try to keep myself emotionally detached with people but then there are sometimes when I do get carried away and flow out into my own emotions. For me once I get attached to some one emotionally then it's difficult to control my own emotions and it plays on me for a very long time. For the last few months this particular thing was on my mind and disturbing me. But yesterday after speaking to my friend somewhere I felt relieved and I also felt that I released that emotional burden I still had on my heart.

People come and go in our lives, and yes I do believe that each one comes for a reason and in a season. It's best to keep things light and not become serious about these attachments. Heavy emotions are really draining out us, and it was happening to me for sometime. Even when I was in happy mood, somewhere at the back of my mind her incident kept playing. I feel I am relieved from that burden now, and hope that it does not build up again. Sharing our pains and problems with out friends is surely one good form of release.

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"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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People don't change. They grow. We must adopt changes & we can not limit ourself - our perception to view them. We should feel happy to see them grow, wish them luck. If they are bonded, universe will get them back to you. Set them free. Accept it. See positive side. Let go. Think positive, talk positive, send them positive vibes. It's difficult. But if we change the whole process from in-side-out, we may see things differently.
I know - it's easier said than done.
I am not saying this to you. I am saying this to myself.

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Very well and wisely said. Leave them free, if it is all meant to be together it will eventually be.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I understand your pain. People drifting away is a lost. I also lost a very good friend to the paths of life. And it is always painful to be reminded.

We also learn from that there is nothing permanent in life. People come and go with seasons.