Luna's 6th birthday, pyramid installation, Lakovsky coil upgrades & lettuce experiment results 🥬

in electroculture •  last year 


Luna had a few friends over at the weekend to celebrate her sixth birthday so I dusted off my magic tricks to perform my first public show in two decades. Needless to say we all had loads of fun and I have remembered how much I love magic!


Esteban was my assistant and while he didn't appear nervous during the show he failed to remember any of the details we had rehearsed and even tried at times to direct the attention towards himself by revealing the tricks!


He is rooted very much in an energetic need to outperform me and doesn't like it when the spotlight is on me (and not him). I contemplated this for some time last night and have decided to begin a new routine with him in the Spring which will involve going for runs in the morning before sunrise.


I know we all live different lives but I was running two miles a day at his age and found this to be one of the more helpful aspects of my predominantly useless education. Aside from the obvious health implications you start to realise how little you are and I believe a sense of humility can grow from this. More nature, less screen time basically. Even if it is in a pyramid!


Luna on the other hand seems as if she is growing up quickly, eating better, pooping more regularly, less stressed out generally and I don't feel as if she needs the morning run treatment yet, despite her requests to come with us! Can't push Esteban if she is there, so sorry about that Luna.


His mother and grandmother have a tendency to wrap him up in cotton wool and do everything for him, which is fine to a certain extent for young children, but if we don't have someone pushing us we will never discover what we are capable of.


Will let you know how we get on with those morning runs.

Pyramid upgrades & installation

The wooden pyramid I built a few weeks ago has been largely just getting in the way in our little house so I took it outside and gave it three coats of varnish.


Then I put it on the kitchen table and figured out the best way to attach a copper wire to the frame, creating some conductivity to go with the non conductive wood.


I wasn't sure at this stage what I was going to do with the top so I just left the wires long, permitting various different possibilities.


Here it is finished outside, up on this table during Luna's party to avoid any accidents.


This pyramid is intended for my potatoes (which are root vegetables) so I added a root chakra stone to the top.


This then connects down to a full chakra pendant.


No idea what effect it will have. I just felt good about this design.

One month ago I buried a bunch of scrap metal (all collected from our local forest) in a hole in the garden because Les Brown recommends in his pyramid book to do this as it will help draw the energy down into the earth. I put bamboo into the four vertical pipes so I wouldn't forget where the metal was.


Here she is in place over the bamboo markers with a raised bed I made to give the potatoes some space above that metal.


In the end I left the pyramid next to my sunken armadillo greenhouse (inside which I measured a temperature of 25°C today), in order to charge up a bed of beans which are yet to surface.


Looking forward now to filling up the raised bed with soil and beginning my potato experiment. Bearing in mind that last year in this same soil my potatoes didn't do well at all, turning yellow and dying in June before they even flowered. Though they did at least produce some very enjoyable baby potatoes.

This year I anticipate them growing all season, producing enormous potatoes like I've never seen before!

Lakovsky coil upgrades

In early December some of you will remember how I added small Lakovsky coils with different colours to the base of my baby pea plants.


Ever keen to report in an honest fashion about the results of my experiments I can confirm there to be no noticeable difference between the plants with or without the coils.


That being said I do want to point out that around 20% of the plants were negatively affected by the recent snow, some of them dying altogether.


But none of the peas within coils experienced negative effects from the snow. So this is at least something.

Generally speaking they all look great! And while this is obviously good news for the children who love peas it is still rather frustrating me who loves results and I am wondering if perhaps these coils are simply not big enough?


With this in mind I have been creating larger coils, 20-30cms in diameter which is more in line with Lakovsky's original design, laying them flat on the ground like this.


I have also been creating more powerful coils with three 1.5mm strands platted together.


This is then bent into the coil shape, concentrating the copper into balls at the ends.


I then cover the balls with bees wax.


Unlike Yannick Van Doorne's system which involves melting the wax, I chose to mould it gently with my fingers because this will retain some of that divine geometry the bees have very kindly built into it.


Now I have many different versions of the Lakovsky coil, two of which can be seen here, helping a sick kumquat.


I am in fact at the point where I can say that every one of my 100+ trees & potted plants now has one (except for those which have been left as the control group for comparison).

Lettuce experiment

Two weeks ago I chose these three pieces of lettuce from the garden, placing one inside a copper pyramid, one on top of an energiser (collection of many small pyramids) and one with nothing but the plate.


After a week it was evident that the one in the copper pyramid was drying faster than the others, curling at the edges more.


But after two weeks I could see no noticeable difference between the copper pyramid (left) and the control group (right).

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I then put all three of them in tubs and added a little water to re-hydrate them.


But after half a day re-hydrating, all three of them looked and smelled terrible so the idea of a taste test went out of the window. And once again I can feel something strongly, it isn't disappointment so to speak, it is more just an enhanced desire to find a way to prove this really does have an effect!

Our house is basically a giant fridge in the winter so not really an ideal place to run this test.

Can I prove the effectiveness of electroculture?

While it is still winter it seems harder to get this job done effectively but I do in fact have a few things to show you in relation to the magnetised cables I dug into the ground a month ago.

Can you see the difference between these two lettuces?

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The one on the right is darker in colour and closer to a magnetised cable in the soil. Side by side the difference is evident. The taste too is very slightly different, the greener one with more flavour.


I harvested these two baby beetroots today and noticed how the one which had been growing closer to the magnetised cable (the one on the left) has more alive looking roots, with vibrant whites and purples.


Had I left it there it probably would have developed perfectly in the spring, but this man needs his beetroot every week so even the small ones are getting juiced now! More have been planted in the sunken armadillo.

Finally I have this herb garden in our courtyard which has a few different electroculture devices in there, a spiral and some coils.


Two weeks ago we had a decent amount of snow which settled on this bed and I expected the nasturtium to die.


But it didn't!

On the contrary it is now getting ready to flower, which I can assure you is extremely rare to see in February.


Here at the plant's base there is a small Lakovsky coil which I do believe has made the difference.


We also have this parsley which appears to be way bigger than previous attempts to grow it here in the winter where there is no sun at all.


Again, at the base of the plant we have a small coil.


While I suspect this 'evidence' will not be enough to persuade most people here I have no doubt the decisive results I seek are coming.

Like I said, it is winter still (we hit -8°C last week) and generally speaking plants don't grow much, if at all.

So let's give it some time and remain patient.

Final thoughts

Since the last full moon I have felt different, less energised and dare I say it, even a little bit down. I do my best to avoid the news but even the act of opening YouTube or Odysee alerts me instantly to certain things and it seems to me we are building up now to war along with various other UFO shaped pantomimes to keep us distracted. I saw a clip of Biden telling folks months ago that if the US sends tanks into Ukraine this will mean World War III. So we can be in no doubt what is happening now that he has announced US tanks are indeed being sent to the Ukraine. Video evidence of his exact words here.

Even the UK's decision to send fighter planes will I believe instigate a reaction from Russian. I've not mentioned this before but during my long conversation with Yannick Van Doorne (the leading expert in electroculture) he told me that he sometimes receives visions of the future, which he says always come true, and his latest vision showed him how the UK will be largely destroyed by Russia, though he couldn't say how. Tsunami bombs perhaps? Or even earthquakes which are evidently available on tap now. Sorry for the people of Turkey, but you have paid the price for having a leader who was not keeping in line with the rest.

While every bone in my body has been telling me to avoid returning to the UK at all costs (even before communicating with Yannick) I do still have family there and despite my best efforts to get them over here to the mountains where it is safer, they remain where they are, fully vaccinated and fully trusting in their government to look after them. So while my energy is a bit down, as it is now, I sometimes feel a sense of failure, like I have been unable to save them. Of course, I am not responsible for their choices, just as they are not responsible for mine but the feeling remains regardless.

With all of this in mind I have taken a break from my usual routines (posting included) and have been spending a fair bit of time alone in nature, grounding myself back into a more enjoyable state of mind. Am happy at least that my immediate family (Sabrina & the children) always stand behind me with my decisions so should I suddenly decide we need to live in the Bulgarian mountains (which is in fact a distinct possibility), there won't be any arguments.

Nothing unexpected is happening here. The world is being shaken up to facilitate the extreme changes ahead and the only question worth asking now is where is the safest place to live. That being said, the most important question of all is always the same... are you enjoying this moment?

Love & Light everyone 🌱


Earth battery experiment


Number of days experiment has been running: 18

Number of lithium batteries consumed: 0 (but it is still getting dimmer!)

I have now removed the lithium battery from its casing in order to get a clearer comparison of the two LEDs side by side.


To learn more about the experiment please check this post.

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