How to Quickly Develop Kid's Brain

in education •  5 years ago 

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parent guidelines

Everyone wants to develop kid's brain and wants their children to be bright and smart. He will answer whatever is asked of him and he will do whatever he is asked to do. That means all the qualities must be in it. But the problem is with the parent guidelines. Every child is made to learn from a young age. It is up to the parents to decide how they will improve their child's memory. If you want to improve your child's memory, here are some important tips, which will increase your child's memory very quickly.

Let's start with some important tips to improve children's memory:

  1. The first suggestion for develop kid's brain is to show affection and love to your child. Children need the love and affection of their parents the most. When they feel safe with their parents, their memory improves very easily. So if you haven't seen love for your child for so long, start showing up now. As if they feel safe. And you love them so much. Once this happens, your child's memory will increase very quickly. Because then there will be no fear among them.

love to your child

  1. The second suggestion for develop kid's brain is sign language. Just talking to the kids is not enough. Instead, sign language is used. Research from the University of California has shown that when parents talk to their child with hand gestures, the child learns to speak very quickly. The IQ of the child is higher than that of the children whose parents did not speak to the children with hand gestures. So if you want your baby's brain to grow very fast, start talking with hand gestures.

sign language

  1. This is followed by the third suggestion to develop kid's brain and that is to tell the story to the children. Although storytelling has become very old but it now has a lot of impact on children. So tell your kids stories before you go to bed at night. You may think the little kid doesn’t understand the story, but that’s not right. Listening to stories or tales every day improves the emotional well-being of children. And they come up with ideas, and to see them flush it out, it's really fun. And the language and thinking of the children listening to the story is much improved. In this way, the distance between you and your child will be reduced by telling and listening to the story every day. Which will help a lot for the emotional growth of the child.


  1. The fourth suggestion is to take the help of music for develop kid's brain. Music is a testament to improvement for kids of all ages. Young children make positive gestures towards music. And if you sing to him, his language will improve. And that child will have increased memory and attention to himself. Music also reduces children's stress and increases their tendency to learn something new. That's why music helps a lot for kids of all ages and boosts their mental memory. Music plays an important role in children's lives.

help of music

  1. Tip number five to develop kid's brain is to focus on health. If you want your child's brain to grow very fast, you need to make your child healthy and balanced. You need to have healthy food for breakfast every morning. Must have anti-oxidants and omega three as well. Antioxidants enhance memory and improve omega-3 knowledge. Knowledge such as: concentration, decision making, language skills and problem solving power. Therefore, special importance should be given to health.

focus on health

  1. Tip number six to develop kid's brain is ​​to make kids pay attention to pets. Maybe you, like other parents, think that keeping pets is dangerous. And that's when your baby is much younger. But you will also be surprised to know that if there are pets in the house, the brains of the children in that house grow much faster. Helps children create emotional and social space. This is why you can gradually introduce your child to pets by taking precautions if you want.

pay attention to pets

  1. The number seven suggestion is toys. Lots of kids toys. And this toy can teach a lot to children. You can give children a variety of games to increase their brain, such as: blog set, drawing and play with it. Take him out for a walk anytime of the day and there he can feel the situation around him. Which will help him learn something. You can take the child to the garden and play with the ball. If you spend some time with kids of any age, it will help them to grow their brains. At the same time children's feelings, social life will be much stronger. Spend some time with the kids but you will also understand what your child likes the most and what he or she feels bad about.

drawing and play

  1. The number eight advice to develop kid's brain is to give children the freedom to do something new. If you want your child's brain to grow very fast, give him the freedom to do something new. Where there will be mischief. It could be taking toys with her when she goes to take a bath or helping you in the kitchen. Making something new with color or making something new with things in the house. At this time you must pay special attention to your children. Through this freedom the brains of children will grow very fast.

freedom to do something

  1. Tip number nine is to build a strong and healthy relationship with children. Parents should spend some time with them. This causes the brain of children to grow very fast. Listen to the children very carefully and try to understand. Try to understand what your child is trying to say. Never try to avoid children. It will create a beautiful relationship between you and your child.

healthy relationship
It is very important to do creative activities with children to improve their brain. Through this and by following these tips you will be able to increase your child's memory very fast.

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