My post tonight is still on "Education For Charity", which is an activity that I do at my institution to provide education to the community in the surrounding area I need.
On this occasion I will tell my activities on Cultural education programs Read or as others also referred to as society's Reading Garden. But as usual, before I tell you what activities I was doing, I will first explain what is meant by Cultural Education Read or children's Reading public.
Society’s Reading Garden is an institution that provides reading materials required by the community as a venue for fostering reading skills and learn. In addition, the Society’s Reading Garden is also used to obtain information for the community, especially those sourced from the references. Materials the library itself is all kinds of reading materials in a variety of media forms. Because of the importance of Society’s Reading Garden, needed a Manager, and those who become managers is that have dedication and technical ability in managing and implementing the libraryservice to the community. In other words, a person who manages the Park Reading Community are the ones who really have the awareness and responsibility in providing library service.
The objectives to be achieved by the existing activities of the Society’s Reading Garden is to arouse and increase interest in reading so that an intelligent society would be created, into a container and learning activities of the community, and to support the upgrade new aksarawan in the framework of the eradication of illiteracyso that those who have "literate" do not become illiterate again.
The functions and duties of the community's Reading Garden
Since the beginning of a library was established, whatever its kind has already been mentioned that the library or reading the main activities of the community have put together all of the information in the form of sharing i.e. written (printed matter) recorded (recorded matter) or in other forms. Then all the information is processed, packaged, and arranged for the expected Community presented to the target and the target will use the reading garden.

- Become a place collect or gather information, in the sense of active, children reading the society has continued activities to gather as many sources of information forthe collection.
- As the place of processing or processing all references with specific methods or systems such as registration, classification, cataloging, as well as other completeness,either manually or using the means of information technology, manufacturing other supplies for all collections is easy in use.
- Become a place of nurturing and save. This means that there is activity to arrange,compose, organize, another, take care of, so that a collection of neat, clean, durable, whole, complete, easy access, not easily broken, lost, and diminished.
- As one of the centres of information, learning resources, research, preservation and other scientific activities. Give service to the user, such as reading, borrowed, researched, with a quick, precise, easy and cheap.
- Build a complete information and "up to date" for the development of knowledge, skills (skill), and behavior/attitude (attitude).
- Is an agent of change and cultural agents from the past, present and future. In the concept of a more essential existence and progress of Society’s Reading Garden became the pride, and the symbol of the civilization life of mankind.
The Role Of Society’s Reading Garden
The role of a park Reading the community is part of the basic tasks that must be executed in the garden of a reading community. Therefore, the role of which should be run that join determine and affect the achievement of the vision and mission to achieve. Each Society’s Reading Garden to be built will have meaning if the role can run with the best. The existence of a related role, tasks and functions. The role can run Society’s Reading Garden, among others, are:
- In general Society’s Reading Garden is a source of information, education, research, preservation and conservation of the nation's cultural treasures as well as healthy recreation, cheap and useful.
- Has the role of the media or a functioning bridge connecting between the sources of information and knowledge that is contained in the collection.
- Have a role as a means to establish and develop communication between fellow users, and between the organizers of Society’s Reading Garden of the community with the community on the serve.
- Can Act as an institution to develop interest in reading, reading, reading habits craze, and the culture of reading, through a provider of various reading materials that comply with the wishes and needs of the community.
- Play an active role as facilitators, mediators, motivators for those who want to find, make, develop knowledge and experiences.
- Is the change agent, the agent of development, and human culture.
- non-formal education institutions acted as for community members and visitors the Park reading society. They can be independent study (self-taught), doing research, explore, exploit and develop sources of information and knowledge.
- reading garden community Officer can act as mentors and provide consultation to the wearer or user education (user education), and coaching as well as instilling an understanding of the importance of Society’s Reading Garden community for people many.
- Compile and preserve a collection of references to keep it in good shape all the works of man are priceless.

A Collection Of Society’s Reading Garden
The collection of adequate community reading garden, both regarding the number, types, and mutunya, which are neatly arranged, with the processing system as well as ease of access or appointment information, is one of the keys to the success of the library. Therefore Society’s Reading Garden needs to have a collection of relatively complete library appropriate vision, mission, strategic planning, policy, and its purpose. A good collection of the library is able to meet the wants and needs of readers. The power of this library collection is a great attraction for users, so many and complete collection of the library and read on the loan, the more crowded the park visitors reading society visited the community and the higher the intensity of the circulation of the book. Finally also the greater process of information transfer (transfer of information) and here the reading garden serves as a media or tools as well as intermediaries between sources of information bridge with the community users. Thus the information science which read, excavated, was found in the library can be reviewed, researched, developed, distributed and disseminated on an ongoing basis without any inexhaustible.
Understanding Collections
The collection is one of the main elements of the library, because all the informationto be provided to the user sourced owned the Park. The collection must be relevant to the mission and vision of the program Society’s Reading Garden. The library's collections are references contained in the library. In general the collection found in the Society’s Reading Garden reading books, publications and series of non book materials. Usually the collection organized and laid out systematically, so that the information contained in these collections can be easily found by the user if needed.
The Function Of Collections
A collection of companies owned Society’s Reading Garden has a number of functions of the collections include:
- The functions of education, to support educational programs and teaching, library provision of the appropriate library material or relevant to the type and level of existing programs.
- The functions of research, to support the research program of the College, the library provides information resources about a range of research results and scientific advancement.
- the reference Function, this function complements the above functions by providing reference materials diberbagi field and bibliographical tools needed to find information.
- General Functions, the library community is also an information centre for the surrounding community. This function is related to the public service program and conservation references as well as results of human culture to the other.

Types Of Collections
Grouping references in the library or the Park consist of: a collection of readings of principal/primary, complementary Groups, a collection of complementary and ancillary Collection. The third group of the collection can be outlined as follows:
- public library materials Group.
- A group of references reference (reference).
- The Group recorded and electronic library materials such as film, tapes, videos.
- customized library materials Group group of periodic library materials (magazines, newspapers).
- The Group heard the perspective library materials (audio visual).
- Special library material Groups, such as paintings, photographs, and other
- with the reader, for example for children, teens, adults, and more.
- Group type specific references, for example for research and so on.
Procurement Of Materials Libraries
Procurement of materials the library is one of the main activities carried out by the technical service. In this section funded planning additions to the collections, library materials selection, makes provision about the priority of the collection that will be added (purchased). Library materials procurement be carried out through:
- Purchase and Customer.
- The prize.
- Exchange.
- Mandatory save College publications.
Way over done for more varied in the compile and execute procurement references appropriately good and systematic. procurement of materials libraries can be done through various means including:
- Purchase: purchase or booking directly to publishers, bookstores or agents, eitherbooking on a permanent basis (standing order) or as needed.
- Swap: usually done with libraries or other institutions. To do this the way the library must have references that can be exchanged, such as publications of the library or taken from a location number of excess copied.
- Gifts from students who have already graduated, from the Publisher or other institutions: the addition of more economical way, but often not in accordance with the needs and sometimes even has expired. Therefore, the library seliktif must be more strictly in order not happen much collections sleeps, among others by giving a list of the titles of references needed to the giver of the gift.
- Deposit: the library sometimes acquire the surrogate references from individuals or other institutions in order to make the user's library. In this case the library simplykeeping its existence without bearing risks.
- Issue: library should compile all libraries such as magazines, books, brochures, reports published by the library or school.
In principle the Garden Creative Community Readings are designed to meet the needs of the community and recreation creations. Creative means of community Reading Garden provides not only books, but creating a creative activity that involves the participation of visitors. While recreation means Garden Community should avoid Reading the nuances of rigidity and silence, but rather to create an atmosphere of pleasure.
Organizing Garden Creative Community Reading means must have attractiveness and value by creating a fun atmosphere and always mematik its visitors to create the power of imagination or ideas new ideas. With do not intend to deny the importance of the public library, garden's Reading public should have the characteristic of a diverse and colorful match character territory each.
Generally, the management of the garden's Creative Community Readings have 3 important things that need to be prepared, i.e., Power Manager, facilities and Program Plan. First, it served as the Manager of power that became the driving force and the technical manager of the garden so that the Community more comfortable Readings, arranged and tersistem. Second, the question of the means more associated with primary means (a room, shelves and books), the means of Administration (catalogs, membership card, book, book loans, etc), and means of supporting (LCD, computer, Internet and so on). The third Program plan to fill a planned activity and arranged broadly participatory.
Work program into something special, because there advantages and peculiarities of Society’s Reading Garden. Various examples of activities that are prevalent among others: reading together, watching movies, writing letters, making the book a history of the village, studying with a character, learn writing from authors, recounting the contents of books, theater, music, learn from the environment, surgery books, fairy dolls, create newsletters, studied journalism, visit Society’s Reading Garden of other Societies and so on.
So my explanation of what, how, and the purpose of the children's Society, Reading further I will tell about experience activity I did in running the Society Reading Garden program in my agency
Providing A Reading Collection
In order to meet a collection of readings that are needed by the community, I try to ask for assistance/cooperation with institutions that can distribute reading books, such as: Language Hall, regional library and the national library. I send you some proposals and said that I runs the program children's reading society, but I do not have adequate reading collection, that I hope to be of assistance in the form of reading books to the public.
After I tried to ask for help, I have been assisted by several institutions I have mentioned above, and finally I got about a thousand collection readings for all ages and types of educational background as well as the work of the society. Subsequently the reading collection I created each of the categories, such as: readings for agriculture, farm, marine, forestry, science, economics and others.

Implementation Of Activities
To invite people to enter the Library is not an easy thing, logically, it is very difficult to someone who is preoccupied with work a waste of time to enter a building specifically for reading. Moreover, the public areas I prefer sitting talking with a long time,and discuss things that are born of their own thoughts, even though they're talking about is an event that can not be accountable his righteousness.
To like it, I worked with my friend who has a restaurant on the edge of the beach, so we created a stall named "Literacy Café" with the slogan Coffee and books. A collection of readings that I have that I provided in table café, so that visitors who come to enjoy the food and drinks we serve can be used the time to read our collection.
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