Primary school grades reporting event

in education •  4 years ago  (edited)
Ada pepatah : guru seperti lilin, membakar diri untuk menerangi orang lain. Artinya, guru rela mengorbankan diri agar siswanya memiliki pengetahuan dan kesuksesan sebagai manusia. Tapi, yang membuat saya khawatir, tidak sedikit siswa yang suka menentang saran gurunya.
Meskipun nasihat guru kepada siswa diberikan agar siswa dapat menjalani kehidupan yang terkadang membuat ini sakit. Guru yang lebih tua tentu saja lebih berpengalaman dalam hal kehidupan.
Percaya atau tidak, banyak saran dari guru berguna ketika siswa itu adalah orang dewasa suatu hari. Bahkan nasehat itu dapat membuat mantan siswa mencapai kesuksesan di dunia karir ketika mempraktikkannya.
Lihatlah daftar saran guru untuk siswa yang harus selalu diingat dalam karier untuk mencapai kesuksesan:
  1. Disiplin

  2. Pantang Menyerah

  3. Bekerja bersama

  4. Hormati yang lebih tua

  5. Jujur

  6. Menjaga Sikap Tenggang Rasa

  7. Rajin

Saya kira tidak ada guru yang tidak meminta muridnya rajin, terutama rajin belajar. Bahkan ada nilai kerajinan di kartu laporan. Meskipun nilai kerajinan tidak mempengaruhi kenaikan kelas, tapi tetap saja jika kita mendapatkan nilai C kita semprotkan orang tua.

Pekerja yang bekerja dengan rajin tentu lebih cenderung naik posisi lebih cepat daripada mereka yang malas. Sementara pengusaha yang rajin terjun langsung ke bisnisnya tentu lebih bisa mengelola bisnisnya karena mengerti apa yang ia geluti.

Nah, sekarang kita tahu kenapa guru kita bawel dulu. Kebawelan penting untuk masa depan. Kita juga diharapkan menyampaikan nasihat guru ini kepada anak-anak kita.




Versi Inggris

There is a saying: teachers are like candles, burning themselves to illuminate others. That is, teachers are willing to sacrifice themselves so that their students have the knowledge and success as a human being. But, that makes me concerned, not a few students who like to oppose the advice of his teacher.
Though the teacher's advice to students is given so that the student can live a life that sometimes make this hurt. The older teacher is certainly more experienced in the matter of life.
Believe it or not, a lot of advice from teachers is useful when the student is an adult one day. Even that advice can make the former student achieve success in the world of career when practicing it.
Check out the list of teacher advice for students who must always be remembered in a career in order to achieve success:
  1. Discipline

  2. Abstinence

  3. Working together

  4. Respect the older

  5. Honest

  6. Caring for others

  7. Diligent

I do not think there are teachers who do not ask their students to be diligent, especially diligent study. There are even grades of craft on the report card. Although the value of the craft does not affect the class increase, but still if we get the value C we spray parents.

Workers who work diligently certainly more likely to rise the position faster than those who are lazy. While entrepreneurs who diligently plunge directly into his business is certainly more able to manage his business because it understands what he wrestled.

Well, now we know why our teachers bawel first. Kebawelan is important for the future. We are also expected to pass on the advice of this teacher to our children.
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