Blockchain technology in educational sectors and its benefits

in education •  2 years ago 

Blockchain technology appears to be part of significant innovation in today's technology that can not be overlooked, in terms of providing secure tools use to enhance our data privacy. Blockchain, and cryptographic keys which have been used in various organizational departments it has helped improve customers, and business owners' relationships striking a balance for transparency between users.
Blockchain technology finds use in finance, agriculture, transportation, health care, and educational programs in this post, I will be sharing some important role blockchain technology is playing in our educational systems.

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Blockchain in education

For decades desktops with little or low processing capacity have been used in educational programs for book keeping, today with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) smartphones and large storage processing computers this has been made more convenient, upgrading our educational system of storage using blockchain technology has helped speed up processing storage with the help of blockchain distributed ledger.

Educators use blockchain technology to review transcripts, report cards, complete digital agreements and help students pay off loans.
blockchain education

Blockchain plays a key role in our today's education system, one of which is building internal and external trust between different educational institutions, for example, with blockchain ledgers a student transcript, and entire school record data can be stored giving access to other institutions to review students' previous record of entered assessment this can save time and effort once a student information is stored it can not be altered, robust data storage system in blockchain ledgers will help store a large amount of information in one place as well as with blockchain payment can be made without hassle.

Benefit of blockchain technology in education

Security breaches are always a thing of concern, students' information can be leaked to third parties, and students' payment and result transcripts can also be exposed to other public users with the help of blockchain this can be mitigated here are some benefits of blockchain in educational systems.

  1. Enhance security; Encrypting student information on blockchain before recording them will prevent students from editing their stored information on the school database.

  2. Increase trust and transparency between job seekers and employers; Blockchain immutability will prevent students from editing their grades, certification, and scores this will further help build trust among job seekers and employers.

  3. File storage; blockchain file storage will help improve decentralization allowing inter-file shearing between various academia this will eliminate centralization of the filing system which limits users' access to general information.

  4. Execution of lessons and courses; with blockchain, smart contract lessons and tasks can be automatically executed.

Companies using blockchain to improve education programs

Some top companies today are using blockchain technology to boost educational programs, these companies include Gilgamesh founded in 2022 a knowledge sharing platform based on ethereum smart contract located in San Francisco, California, Blockcerts location is Cambridge, Massachusetts created a blockchain-based platform for verifying students transcript, Sony Global Education partner with IBM to develop a platform that allows academic institution to record various achievement on the blockchain ledger.

Blockchain in education isn't just about keeping data safe for students and academia it has increased transparency among users reducing certificate forging and duplication of high profile users data it's has exponentially improve database system.


Reading reference

Blockchain education with nine examples

Blockchain in education sectors advantage and disadvantage

How Blockchain could impact education

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