I Immigrated to the US to Pursue the American Dream, Not to Pay for Your College Degree

in education •  last year 

"Proposing student loan forgiveness programs is just misguided. After all, a free lunch still isn’t free, and all Americans, foreign-born and natives alike, will end up paying the bills for these costly proposals. And for immigrants like me, that doesn’t quite look like the American Dream we thought we’d signed up for."

Source: I Immigrated to the US to Pursue the American Dream, Not to Pay for Your College Degree - Foundation for Economic Education

I've never really understood the mentality that says I should pay for the (often poor) education choices of others. Here's some (free!) advice for those entering or thinking about entering college:

  1. Consider going to a local community college or four year state college as opposed to a university for at least your first two years. Potentially being able to live at home and pay a much lower tuition for half of your college will save you a small (or large) fortune.

  2. Stay in state.

  3. Don't pay 10s of thousands of dollars (or more) for an education that is not likely to lead to a well-paying job. Do your research first.

  4. Don't pay 10s of thousands of dollars (or more) to go to college when you don't even know what you want to do yet. Take a year off or explore other options.

  5. If you are going to borrow money to pay for a private/out of state/ivy league or otherwise very expensive college education, make sure you are pursuing a passion and that you are dedicated enough to stand out and persevere in a sometimes difficult job market. You need to be confident that you will be able to repay your loans at a later date without asking me or other taxpayers to do it. See #3.

  6. Consider carefully what you want to do with your life. College isn't always necessary. Trade schools or other types of education/training may be a better option depending on the path you want to follow.

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