ecoTrain QOTW. "What Prevents Action?" ... THIS WORLD IS YOURS!!!

in ecotrain •  3 years ago 


Hey everyone! This is my first post on BLURT, finally i come to see what its like here! I thought this would be a great post to launch with .. one that means a lot to me.. Much love X

Today i want to attempt to answer this question of the week! It's such a simple question, but the answer has so many possibilities that i am slightly at a loss to really choose which one or two i really think fits the bill. Since i also curate this question of the week I have read around 60 posts now from everyone! It has been quite amazing to read SO many varied answers, with a few reasons that i had not considered before. They are all SO true, and there is so much wisdom in them all.. Some of the most common answers are, procrastination, fear, mindset, pessimism, feelings, apathy, habit., time, ignorance, not asking for help, and clarity to name a few!

These are such good points, but i wonder... is there something ELSE that no one has mentioned that may be just as important as all of these very significant reasons. Well after much thought and deliberation I feel that i have a point that no one else has mentioned, so i would like to mention it. IF you did mention it and i have missed it then I do apologise. Its hard to keep up with SO many responses!

What is the duty of our Governments? Who's world is this?

What do we expect from our governments? It's not something that is written in stone, and we don't exactly have a list of things that we can be sure to say our governments are responsible for. It's true they have to make laws, and take lots of our money and distribute it to where they think its needed. The question is, are they actually responsible for taking action on the many things that we thing need attention in our world. This brings me to a small example that I think highlights the point quite well.

I remember walking down the street many years ago and noticed that there was quite a lot of rubbish on the pavement. Whilst there were trash cans around for use, many people clearly didn't use them. Now with all this rubbish around i struck up a short conversation with an older lady who was complaining about it. She felt that THEY did not clear up the pavements enough. Now, let me ask you, if this happens in your own home, for example when some guests leave, we would obviously clear up ourselves wouldn't we!? So what is the difference from our homes and the public areas? All public areas do actually belong to us, but i don't think people feel that way about it. I think most people feel that these areas are not ours, and the responsibility to maintain them rests on the government. Whilst that might be true when they need major maintenance, i wonder if the same should be true for basic things like cleaning them up. I responded to this woman by bending down and picking up some of the trash and putting it in the bin. That to me was the point, the solution, and the answer.

The point being that i don't think we really feel like this world is ours! We have very little connection to our public areas, and very few people actually take care or action to keep them looking good. I wonder, if the same can be said for all areas of our world. Maybe the issue is that we think our governments are responsible for everything! Maybe we are under the false impression that it is up to someone else to look after everything, and therefore we should really leave it up to them as they are the ones in power.

I believe this is a great misconception. I believe this world is OURS, and that by assuming otherwise creates a great disconnect and apathy in the world. We pass poor homeless people all the time, and most give nothing to them. Why is this so? Perhaps we expect that they should be taken care of by others. Perhaps we think that they are lazy or not making an effort, whereas in many cases they simple have fallen between the cracks in the system are unable to pull themselves out of it. and I think the same can be said for many of the things that we need to take action on.

So this begs the question, what are our governments really supposed to be doing, and where does the buck stop. Are we really meant to expect them to handle all of the worlds issues, or are we not supposed to do so ourselves? I believe its the latter, and that we should all start to realize that this world is all of our responsibility.

Now, i also think that the other reasons that people have mentioned are very important, but i also think that they feed into this point very strongly. Its easy to be lazy, or fearful, or ignorant when we think that someone else is supposed to be handling everything. On the other hand, if we saw things a little differently, that this world is ours and we are responsible for it, that maybe people would be taking action a bit more frequently!

This is one reason why I think abolishing centralized systems would benefit our world so much. If our local districts were decentralized and WE were responsible for the local area without having to depend on government budgets and taxes, i think we would all pay a bit more attention to what is going on in the world. I think we would be more motivated to improve so many things, IF we have the power and inclination to do so. When we notice the air is so dirty that we can hardly breathe, or there are no green areas and parks to enjoy, or whatever it is, i believe we would see much more action, community collaborations and the like happening if we felt like it was ours.. just like in our homes and very immediate areas.

I would like to leave you with an inspirational music video.

The World Is Yours - Tim McMorris - Inspirational Video



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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome! I've just started posting here too, and I've started with posting previous work I am proud of. Looking forward to more from you!