Como en las películas 2 [primera parte] (Historias Sueltas) (BigVERSO)

in ecosynthesizer •  9 months ago 

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El soñador

Leoncio Carpio, Leo para los amigos era un joven soñador, sufría de un mal de familia como su primo Mario, pero a diferencia de su familiar, Leo no soñaba con que llegara su día de la suerte!!!, con ganarse la lotería o encontrarse un maletín repleto de dinero para salir de la pobreza, Leo soñaba despierto con convertirse en abogado, ingeniero, arquitecto, o medico, aunque el muchacho luego de terminar la secundaria no siguió estudiando en la universidad no solo porque era muy cara para un joven pobre, es que a Leo no se le daban bien las matemáticas, la física ni mucho menos la química, la única materia en la que rindió en la secundaria fue educación física y no por su desempeño en la cancha si no por las ganas que le ponía para destacar frente a sus bellas compañeras mucho mas lindas cuando usaban sus uniformes deportivos!!!, pobre Leo.

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luego de dar tumbos de un trabajo para otro por varios años habia conseguido recientemente al fin un empleo estable y bien remunerado que para el tenía un valor agregado adicional, al principio habia tomado el empleo para pagar las cuentas y comer como todo pobre necesitado, pero nunca se imagino que ser un miembro de la división de limpieza de un gigante conglomerado alemán le abriría las puertas a soñar al menos por una horas mientras cumplía con su trabajo que habia logrado su sueño de convertirse en un profesional, el Grupo Klausman era la empresa mas grande de ciudad Caótica y quizás del mundo, producían casi de todo, cosméticos, alimentos, equipos electrónicos, neumáticos, piezas para vehículos y hasta medicinas.

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Así que Leo llegaba cada día a su empleo esperando como si fuera un niño a que le asignaran a que sitio lo enviarían ese día a limpiar, el grupo alemán funcionaba como un reloj y no tenía empleados de limpieza en cada uno de sus divisiones, habían conformado un nutrido equipo de limpieza con cientos de empleados a los que enviaban por toda la ciudad para desempeñar su trabajo en cada una de las divisiones, laboratorios, fabricas, y oficinas!!!. Leo barría, sacaba la basura, pasaba coleto, pulía el piso, limpiaba los enormes ventanales de las oficinas, de todos los edificios y unidades que pertenecían al grupo desperdigados por toda la ciudad, aunque otras grandes empresas que habia adoptado este formato creando sus divisiones propias de limpieza o subcontratando a otras, Leo y sus compañeros no trabajan de noche como se acostumbraba en las otras empresas, si no durante el día, cosas de alemanes pensaba Leo!!!.

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Dentro de los muchos destinos a donde era enviado Leo tenía dos locaciones favoritas donde le encantaba ir a limpiar, allí ponía a volar su imaginación al máximo!!!, la primera era en la sede principal del grupo, un lujoso edificio de mas de 20 pisos localizado en el mero centro de ciudad Caótica, una torre de acero, concreto y cristal.

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Leo siempre pedía subir a la oficina de presidencia por lo general vacia, el presidente del grupo nunca iba a trabajar por las mañanas, el viejo Klausman que habia muerto recientemente de un ataque al corazón nunca lo llego a ver, el hijo que heredo la empresa después de su muerte según leyó Leo en los periódicos tampoco hacia apto de presencia durante el día en la empresa, cada vez que subía a aquella oficina luego de trapear, sacudir y hacer su trabajo, si no llegaba un molesto señor, un godínez alemán de apellido Müller que lo corría de inmediato de la oficina, Leo se tomaba un minutos para sentarse detrás del escritorio de madera finamente tallado sobre aquel sillón que parecía mas bien un trono!!!, luego se servia un trago, caminaba hasta el ventanal de vidrios polarizados para ver desde arriba a los diminutos autos y personas desde la altura de su torre de Cristal como si el fuera el presidente de la empresa!!!, a que bueno era Leo Klausman como empresario girando ordenes a empleados imaginarios, compren, vendan, produzcan!!!.

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Esa mañana cuando llego temprano a la sede de la división de limpieza a Leo le brillaron los ojos cuando vio en la cartelera a donde habia sido asignado, era su trabajo favorito, unos minutos después el junto a varios compañeros abordaron una camioneta con sus equipos de limpieza y salieron de la ciudad, su destino un laboratorio en las afueras subiendo por un pequeño cerro rodeado de un bosque, «Fortschrittliches Forschungslabor der Klausman Group», Leo que no sabía ingles mucho menos alemán, no tenía idea que demonios investigaba en el avanzado laboratorio, luego de ser requisados por el equipo de seguridad en la entrada distribuyeron los trabajos y Leo se pidió como siempre el laboratorio mas grande, le encantaba limpiar allí, porque luego de cumplir con sus funciones de limpieza se convertía en un reputado y famoso científico.

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El humilde Leoncio Carpio se despojaba de su condición cuando se colocaba la bata del científico que trabajaba en ese laboratorio, al que nunca habia visto por cierto, con esa bata puesta el hombre de limpieza se convertía en el Doktor Leo Adler!!!, era el nombre que llevaba la placa en la solapa que la distinguía, vaya que nombre!!!.

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Entonces empezaba a jugar con los instrumentos, las pipetas, los raros aparatos que no tenían idea para que servían o como se encendían, ese día Leo Adler fue un poco mas allá y trato de alimentar a un par de ratas blancas que dormían en una jaula, una era grande, la otra un poco mas pequeña, como no hallo la manera de colocarles alimento desde afuera se atrevió a abrir la jaula, pero oh sorpresa!!!, las ratas no dormían, fingían, apenas el Doktor Leo Adler abrió la puerta de la jaula ambas ratas saltaron hacia la libertad, Leo empezó a corretearlas para capturarlas, lo bueno de ese laboratorio era que no tenía ventanas estaba en el sótano de los laboratorios pero la astutas ratas corrieron hacia una pared la escalaron y escaparon por un ducto de aire!!!, oh Dios Leo estaba en problemas, empezó a colocar todo en su sitio para retirarse con la esperanza que cuando notaran que faltaban las ratas no le echaran la culpa y perdiera su trabajo!!!.

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The dreamer

Leoncio Carpio, Leo to his friends, was a young dreamer, he suffered from a family illness like his cousin Mario, but unlike his relative, Leo did not dream of his lucky day coming!!!, of winning the lottery or Finding a briefcase full of money to get out of poverty, Leo daydreamed about becoming a lawyer, engineer, architect, or doctor, although the boy after finishing high school did not continue studying at the university not only because it was very expensive for a young man. Poor thing, Leo was not good at mathematics, physics, much less chemistry, the only subject in which he performed in high school was physical education and not because of his performance on the field but because of the desire he had for it. He wore it to stand out from his beautiful classmates who were much prettier when they wore their sports uniforms!!!, poor Leo.

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After bouncing from one job to another for several years, he had recently finally gotten a stable, well-paid job that for him had additional added value. At first he had taken the job to pay the bills and eat like any needy poor person, but He never imagined that being a member of the cleaning division of a giant German conglomerate would open the doors to dreaming for at least a few hours while he did his job that he had achieved his dream of becoming a professional, the Klausman Group was the company largest in Chaotic city and perhaps in the world, they produced almost everything, cosmetics, food, electronic equipment, tires, vehicle parts and even medicines.

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So Leo arrived at work every day waiting as if he were a child to be assigned where he would be sent that day to clean. The German group worked like clockwork and did not have cleaning employees in each of its divisions. They had They formed a large cleaning team with hundreds of employees who were sent throughout the city to carry out their work in each of the divisions, laboratories, factories, and offices!!! Leo swept, took out the trash, did the work, polished the floor, cleaned the huge windows of the offices, of all the buildings and units that belonged to the group scattered throughout the city, although other large companies that had adopted this format created their divisions. own cleaning or subcontracting to others, Leo and his colleagues do not work at night as was customary in other companies, but rather during the day, Leo thought German things!!!.

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Among the many destinations to which Leo was sent, he had two favorite locations where he loved to go to clean, there he let his imagination fly to the maximum!!!, the first was at the group's main headquarters, a luxurious building of more than 20 apartment located in the very center of Chaotic City, a tower of steel, concrete and glass.

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Leo always asked to go up to the president's office, usually empty, the president of the group never went to work in the mornings, the old Klausman who had who died recently of a heart attack, I never got to see him, the son who inherited the company after his death, as Leo read in the newspapers, was also not fit to be present during the day in the company, every time he went up to that office after mopping, dusting and doing his job, if an annoying man did not arrive, a German godinez named Müller who immediately kicked him out of the office, Leo would take a few minutes to sit behind the finely carved wooden desk on that armchair that seemed more well a throne!!!, then he served himself a drink, walked to the tinted glass window to see the tiny cars and people from above from the height of his Crystal tower as if he were the president of the company!!! How good was Leo Klausman as a businessman issuing orders to imaginary employees, buy, sell, produce!!!.

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That morning when he arrived early at the headquarters of the cleaning division, Leo's eyes shone when he saw on the billboard where he had been assigned, it was his favorite job. A few minutes later he, along with several colleagues, boarded a van with their cleaning equipment. cleaning and left the city, their destination a laboratory on the outskirts going up a small hill surrounded by a forest, "Fortschrittliches Forschungslabor der Klausman Group", Leo who did not know English much less German, had no idea what the hell he was researching in the advanced laboratory, after being searched by the security team at the entrance, they distributed the works and Leo, as always, asked for the largest laboratory, he loved cleaning there, because after fulfilling his cleaning duties he became a renowned and famous scientist.

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The humble Leoncio Carpio shed his condition when he put on the coat of the scientist who worked in that laboratory, whom he had never seen by the way. With that coat on, the cleaning man became Doctor Leo Adler!!!, it was the name on the badge on the lapel that distinguished it, what a name!!!.

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Then I began to play with the instruments, the pipettes, the strange devices that they had no idea what they were for or how they were turned on, that day Leo Adler He went a little further and tried to feed a pair of white rats that were sleeping in a cage, one was big, the other a little smaller, since he couldn't find a way to put food on them from the outside, he dared to open the cage, but Oh surprise!!!, the rats were not sleeping, they were pretending, as soon as Dr. Leo Adler opened the door of the cage, both rats jumped to freedom, Leo began to chase them around to capture them, the good thing about that laboratory was that it had no windows, it was in the basement of the laboratories but the clever rats ran towards a wall, climbed it and escaped through an air duct!!!, oh God Leo was in trouble, he began to put everything in his place to retreat in the hope that when they noticed that they were missing The rats will not blame him and he will lose his job!!!.

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To be continued...

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