Per capita income and the economic condition of general people.

in economics •  3 years ago 

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Can per capita income clearly describe the economic condition of general people of a country? When we want to know about the financial condition of people of a country, we usually focus on per capita income or per capita GDP. If the two indexes are bigger, then we say imagine that the financial condition of them is good. If the indexes are low, the we imagine bad economic condition. But have we ever thought that can this indexes describe their economic condition? Many of us don't do that. But my answer is negative in this perspective. Often the indexes fail to describe clearly the economic condition of general people. But why? I will show some reasons.

In 2020-2021 fiscal year, the per capita income of the people of Bangladesh has increased to 2,227 USD from 2,064 per year. I think this amount of per capita income is good for the people of a developing country. Like me, I am a student of 2nd biggest university of Bangladesh. And I can easily live a month with 100-150 USD. So I think this amount of per capita income is good for us.

But now let's focus on the reality of livelihood of our people. We have almost 18 crore of population. Among them almost 20 millions people are not sure what they will eat tomorrow. That means they have no food security. Almost 10 millions of people have no shelter. Thay have to pass their night on footpath, railway station or on road. Can you imagine that in government hospital a doctor has to meet almost 200 patients in day, while their working period is 8 hours. Their are many patient can not afford for thier medicine. A lot of children drop out from school before they pass their primary education. I can say a lot of example like that.

Now where is my per capita income? If I earn almost 185 USD per month, I can survive my live easily. But Our income is in the pocket of some businessman. In recent years, the number of billionaire and millionaire has increased up to the mark. The rich are getting richer, poor are poorer. From an statistics of 2019, almost 20.5% people live under proverty line in Bangladesh. And almost 6% people of our population live under extreme proverty line. And after the Covid attack, 30% workers have lost their job, 37% workers have to bear less payment. But in last month when our finance minister presenting the budget for 2021-2022 fiscal year, it is seen that the number of billionaires and millionaires have increased to a great extent even in this pandemic time.

That proves that our property is accumulating in some specific hands. As a result they are becoming richer. On the other hand our general people are becoming poorer day by day.

So now it can be easily said that per capita income can't describe clearly the economic condition of the general people of a country. Do you agree with me or not? let's discuss...

Thanks a lot.

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Wow! Hope increasing day by day.