Price inflation is accelerating

in economics •  4 years ago 

When I was in Shumen last week, I went to a small supermarket, small Bulgarian chain 'Koop', no idea if it has any connection with the British chain, different logo, I saw substantial difference between shelf price labels and the price stickers.

They were about 10-15% out of sync.

Presumably the stickers reflect the cost at their most recent buys at the warehouse, and I should think the shelf label was at most 3 months old, more likely 2.

If prices of basics have gone up 15% within three months, that means about 75% year to date.

Another, longer term metric, when I was working at a call centre in 2013, I was paid 340€ per month. I figure a call centre operator wage is similar to a basic builder's labourer in market price, give or take a little. My friend told me today he is starting such a job next week, and his pay will be 600€.

Note that this was only slightly less (15%) than I was being paid, as a programmer, whose wage in this country is about 1500€ for people with less than a year's experience, and I have 2 years.

Not far from a doubling of prices in 8 years.

And it seems like half of that price increase happened in 3 years, and 25% of it in the last 12 months.

This is what happens as supply of money increases. The changes are mostly annual for food as for most basic plant based foods, there is only one annual harvest.

This is also why Steem's price is glued to between $0.20 and $0.40. 10% per year means doubling in 8 years. So after 4, Steem will buy 50% less than year 0. In 8, half. In 12, 1/4.

People who issue currency have always got the temptation to print more, because they get today's prices and tomorrow everyone else loses some of their purchasing power.

This is why if I am to be involved in a cryptocurrency project, I will loudly agitate for a max 5% supply growth per year. If a crypto isn't deflationary compared to fiat, it lacks the most fundamental feature that distinguishes it from fiat - deflating prices, the only profit or at least inflation hedging potential, which is the most basic service that investors are looking for in crypto, because the small market cap greatly diminishes its stability, leading to volatility that can only be traded in long terms,.

If your crypto inflates at or near the Fed's rates, you are wasting your time and it will never achieve a sub 200 ranking.

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