in ecoblurt •  4 years ago  (edited)

Euglenas are unicellular organisms which can only be seen with the help of an electron microscope, it belongs to the phylum protozoans (protista) in the animal classification nomenclature other members of this phylum includes amoeba, plasmodium, paramecium padorina, trypanosoma, zygenema e.t.c


euglena: Sourced from pixabay

Euglena is one of the organisms that posses both plants and animals characteristics features

💥Animal features includes

It aids photosynthesis in euglena that's a process by which green plant manufactured their own food using carbon dioxide, oxygen in the presence of sunlight

Food is stored in form of starch

💥Animal features includes

✔️Eye spot
It's use for vision

✔️contractile vacuole
This aids excretion in euglena perhaps it's the excretory organ of all unicellular organisms.
Excretion is the process by which living organisms get rid of waste during it metabolism (anabolism and catabolism)

That's the food passage in euglena and it can also be call oesophagus

This is the locomotion organ, it used for movement in euglena and chlamydomonas

However, there are other micro-organisms that posses both living and non-living characteristics this include virus


virus: Sourced from pixabay

Virus is a living organisms because it can reproduce when present in another living cell

Virus is a living organisms because it can be pass from one generations to another


Virus is Non-living things because it cannot excrete, respire and response to external stimulus.

In conclusion, these charateristic features makes both virus and euglena different among other living organisms

Have a nice day ahead


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