Roof Gardening Techniques

in ecoblurt •  4 years ago 

Those who are in the city, many of them could not fill their hobby of gardening due to lack of space for plantation. Some different substitute gardening techniques have been initiated as an alternative approach for them. Such as: Roof-gardening, Belcony-gardening etc. Today I will share the experience of my Roof-gardening...


Roof-gardening, is a pattern of limited range plantation of different types of trees as flower, fruit, decorative and vegetable trees on the vases at house roofs. This format of gardening is getting popular day by day.

My Roof Garden:

I originally tried to garden a mixed catagory garden. Mixed category garden is something where different types of trees are planted together. I have different types of trees as-

  • There are some fruit trees, such as papaya, jackfruit etc.
  • There are some vegetables and vegetables, such as: pepper, pumpkin etc.
  • There are some flower trees, such as: Night Queen, Jaba etc.
  • There are some herbal trees here, such as: Mehdi, Elovara etc.
  • There are some decorative trees again, such as: cactus, slip.






Pictures of My Roof Garden

My Methodology

Due to my job and other business, it was not possible for me to put more time for the garden. So I tried to plant some trees that is required minimum care and plant such way.

Here I have discussed from my experience, which factors and determinents you have to consider while you are approaching for a roof gardening.


01. Settlement

Roof-garden, it will be in the roof, it is known. But in which part of the roof? Or will the whole roof cover! It must be selected in the decision before.

If you cover the whole roof, then you must sort the trees in the form of rows and columns so that you can walk such a way as all the trees can be reached easily.

And if you do partially, then you have to keep in mind in the selection of space. It is important in that - the light of the sun and the watering system.

The sun's light is very important for the tree. But many trees do not live in the sunshine. So it is better to select a place, where the sun light comes in a part of the day. Do not take the rest. It may be next to your water's tanker.

Then the tanker's shadow will take some sunshine for some time, the rest of the time will be shaded. If you do not have such a system, then you can do it with a false roof or camp.

The issue of water should be kept in mind. In such a place, plant trees, where water can be easily given.

Thirdly, there should be aware of another matter. If the children or outside people have the opportunity to come to the roof, then the garden tree is to be safe from them.

In this case, it is better if you separate the part in the garden with railing, which I did.

02. Category of the garden

Based on the tree, there are different types of gardens, for example:

  • Flower Garden
  • Fruit Garden
  • Vegetery Garden
  • Beauty Garden
  • Mixed type Garden



Your needs must be determined, according to your needs and capabilities - any kind of garden you want to do.

The ability to mean here:

  • financial affords,
  • technical skills,
  • ability to give time,
  • place accommodation etc.

Then choose trees. In the selection of trees, which are more in the balance and the roots do not go deeper. The amount of soil needed to plant a very deep root tree is not possible for gardening in the roof.

If the tolerant power of the tree is low, then the trees will die in a small place if the care is less.

03. Select the clay and vase

Not all types of trees is planted in all types of soil. There are some trees, such as: Cactus aloevera etc. may be grown in almost all kinds of soil.

But if other trees do not get suitable soil, they cannot sustain. Even may also die. So the soil selection is very important.



As well as selection of soil, the container or pot selection is important. The best if it can be surrounded a permanent places with bricks and cement.

Otherwise, you have to use tub and other veses. Many body use pipes, bottles, plastic baskets, clayey pot etc.

04. Time Selection

I like discussing about selection of time, I mean two types of time in the consideration.

  • Firstly: there are some trees planted all over the years. There is no problem with them. But in the case of the seasons, you must plant at the right time. Otherwise trees will die.

  • Secondly: A part of your daily routine must be specified. So that the rules of water can be made, clean weeds and other care. Many people started the garden on emotionally. But due to not paying enough time, the garden loses beauty. Even may be turned into garbage.

05. Seed, seedlings and fertilizer collection

It will be better to collect seedlings directly from nursery without collecting seeds from trees or fruits directly for newcomers.

In this case, it should be noted that the seedlings are to be matured. Otherwise, due to lack of appropriate service, he can die.

Of course, those who have experience, can use the newly grown seedlings or seeds.

When to use for any tree, a fertilizer, how much to use - do a little study. Because if you use the wrong fertilizer or if quantity is wrong, then the tree may cause damage.

There are many good lecture-video available on the internet. Besides, some books can also read on nursing.

06. Pesticides

You will take advice from experienced person in application of pesticides.

Many people talk about the problem of pesticides with the sellers and they give a medicine on the prediction. It's not right to do it.

The use of pesticides is very important. Because there are some pesticides very harmful for the human body.

You may have used pesticides and your younger baby torn the leaves or flowers. Then there may be fatal accidents. Use all these cases.

07. Beauty and care

Usually flower gardening is for beauty purposes. That does not mean that you will cultivate vegetables, fruits or medicinal trees and it will be rubbed.

The garden is the cultivation of beauty. So keep the garden clean. If you can buy a cutting Caesar, it is better.



Regularly branches, weeds are caught, keeping clean down with a broom and wash the tubes, look very good to see.

Many times we find the roof garden such as a dirty garden that the interest of gardening on the roof is gone. Do not do this.

Finally, I will say - planting the trees, save the environment.


About Me:

"I am an engineer by graduation
a teacher by occupation
& a writer by passion"

        I believe, Life is beautiful!

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