The way our crop land is getting lost!

in ecoblurt •  3 years ago 





This universe is expanding. But our planet is specific. That is, the amount of land on our planet is fixed. We all know that the amount of water is more than the amount of our car land but the number of people on our planet is increasing day by day. And The number of crop lands is constantly decreasing. i.e. our planet is going to face population problem.

Who is responsible for this?

The main problem of population is people i.e. people are the main source of all problems. This is the answer to a familiar question we all know.

But there is another problem. That is our mentality. In other words, the population problem is not just a problem for the whole world. In my opinion, it is because of our mentality that the whole world and our planet is going to face huge problems.

If we take a look, we can see that the environment is being polluted because of our mentality. The amount of land is decreasing i.e. the amount of crop land is decreasing. If our mentality continues like this, one day our whole world will have to face difficult problems.

The way our crop land is getting lost! And our broken mentality





We are currently in a kind of competition for profit. Especially in the hope of earning more money, we are damaging the crop land at will. In other words, many people are cutting down the crop land and making fish farming projects. Although fish farming is a type of agriculture. And it also boosted the country's economy. But there are also harmful aspects that we cannot avoid even if we want to.

Because at present a lot of crop land is being cut in our area and fish farming projects are being made in the hope of making a lot of profit. But the problem is that the lands are making a lot of holes. This means that other crops cannot be cultivated in this land, only fish can be cultivated. But if it continues like this, one day it will be seen that there is no crop land to cultivate. As a result, that is what will happen! That means we will face food problems!




Because we are not only dependent on fish for food. Making fish or earning extra money alone will not meet our food needs. As a result, many people in the world will face food problems, especially developing countries and poor countries. Moreover, at present many people are making holes by selling the land of crop land, some are building houses, new roads are being built. As a result we are losing our crop land. At the same time, we are losing food for our survival.

Last Words

We need to move forward with the pace of development in today's world. This means that we should not cut the crop land by thinking individually, but by thinking collectively, we should take another path or another way and refrain from cutting the crop land. That means we have to come back from this depraved mindset. Because such a person's profit plan is threatening the whole world and creating a huge problem like food problem. So now is the time to come back from awareness and such wasted mentality.

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