Vegetables Zucchini/Dhundul in my home.

in ecoblurt •  4 years ago 


I was planting some zucchini vegetable trees on the roof of my house. The trees have moved from one house to another and there have been some beautiful vegetables. Today I will give you some information about zucchini.


Face Value of zucchini,

Dhundal or Dhundhul or Dhundul/zucchini is a perennial ascending beetle of the Lafa genus of the family Cucurbitaceae (cucumber gourd). Like squid, they are also plants of the same genus. However, Dhundal husk is more famous than vegetables.

Scientific name: Luffa aegyptiaca

Use Vegetables:

Immature fruits, leaves and flower buds are eaten as vegetables.


Dhundal/Zucchini husk,

Source :

The use of dhundhul chowra for rubbing the body in Bengali bath cosmetics is probably very ancient. The pulp is made by drying the ripe fruit. The conduction veins in it (vascular bundles), especially for the wood xylem fibers, are a little rough (but not too hard, so suitable as a cosmetic material).

Source :

Benefits Zucchini:

  1. Zucchini contains insulin which helps in curing diabetes. Cholesterol
  1. Helps reduce excess cholesterol and fat in the human body.
  1. Zucchini helps in digestion of food.
  1. Dhundal/Zucchini helps to cure jaundice.
  1. Dandelion contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, and B-vitamins that help prevent disease.

Zucchini flowers



Note :

I am a teacher. So I would advise everyone to do your own thing, brother. If you do your own thing, your self-esteem will rise and you will feel much better because the work you have done has been completed and your mind has become like it. Eventually I was able to make my own bench and sit in it for a while.

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