The value of work and opportunities

in ecoblurt •  4 years ago 

It is impressive to see successful people on the street, to see how they live, the car they drive, the clothes they wear, the places they frequent and the food they eat, it is a source of inspiration for many, who strive to achieve what these people achieved. For others they are objects of envy, criticism and bad wishes.



Thinking about this makes us reflect on the effort, dedication, triumphs and defeats that a person can have before achieving success in their work, business or company, which leads us to highly value work and take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us in the life.

The richest man on the planet.

This week Elon Musk surpassed Jeff Bezos as the richest man on the planet, but this is not all, last November he had displaced Bill Gates from second place.

Being recognized as the richest man on the planet is a race in which few participate, but many dream of getting there, there are those who make wrong decisions and paths that prevent them from continuing in the race.

Having business skills is a gift, knowing how to take advantage of opportunities and above all working hard and constantly are ingredients that can guarantee your success and get you into the career of millionaires.

Elon Musk's estimated capital reaches the figure of 185 billion dollars, with which he surpassed Jeff Bezos whose capital is estimated at 184 billion dollars.

Elon Musk is the new tycoon behind the electric car brand Tesla, while Jeff Bezos has the largest virtual store on the planet Amazon, however, they share an area where they compete directly, Both personalities are behind space companies, Musk at Xpace and Bezos has Blue Origin, so the competition continues.


When we read or hear about the success of these people, many of us do not know or come to understand the entire process that these people went through to achieve what they have today.

The greatest value that we must highlight in all this is work and knowing how to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us, if we take these values ​​into account and apply them, we may not come into competition with them, but we will surely achieve financial freedom.

Elon Musk's words upon learning of the distinction were: "How strange. Well, back to work..."

Congratulations Elon Musk!

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