Violations of the rights of nature

in ecoblurt •  4 years ago  (edited)


Much has been said about human rights and little has been practiced about them; for example, the right to food that every human being should have, and as we can all see and feel, it is a right that only those who have money in their pocket or bank account has.

But little is practiced about natural rights or the rights of nature, since nothing or almost nothing is said about them, either out of ignorance or malice, and it is worth redundant expression.

Natural rights are the rights of nature to receive the love of human beings in treatment and the food and medicine to survive.

Nature is represented in all the animals, plants, and minerals that surround us, and nothing has been written about their rights that have not been legislated.


Among the natural rights or rights of nature we have among others:

The rights of the minerals

Of the minerals; to be used with beneficial and not destructive, artistic and not futile, medicinal purposes and not to cause illness or death.

The rights of the plants

Of the vegetables; the plants should be treated with more love although the minerals, should be watered regularly, take their fruits with love and affection and give them the best possible use for the good of humanity.

The rights of animals

Of the animals: in this part of nature the love of the human beings is more necessary since the animal is the being of nature (separating the human being).that but love and affection needs to fulfill its duty in life, and although many animals provide their food to themselves there are others that must be fed by the human being equally when they are wounded or ill must be provided to him as many medicines as the food as if they were vulnerable children.


The rights of nature are as important as human rights, but that only the latter are legalized or penalized by human justice, with natural rights completely forgotten.

Among the violations of the rights of nature we have:

Violations of mineral rights.

The violation of mineral rights occurs when in chemistry the elements that generate explosives are combined and used in wars causing thousands of deaths, thus twisting the objective of the chemical elements; since 99% of them are used in chemistry in wars and only 1% in medicines.

Violations of plant rights.

The violation of the rights of the plants occurs with the indiscriminate cutting and burning of leafy and fruit trees generating environmental imbalance, completely ignoring the payment that nature gives us to those who invest in agriculture paid one hundred percent for each seed planted.


Violations of animal rights

The violation of animal rights occurs when animals are used for lucrative and traditional spectacles such as bullfighting or cockfighting, generating suffering in this part of nature.

When our soul is sensitized by the suffering of some representative of nature, be it an animal or a vegetable, it is the closest path to relative perfection that every human being should achieve.

We support human rights, but we must also talk and legislate about the rights of nature that are so important in our daily and everyday lives.

What do you think about the rights of nature? Your opinion is very important, and I would like to know

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