Echoes of Freedom:Chapter 6 Welcome to The Safe House

in echoes-of-freedom •  11 days ago 


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Maya walked home from the old electronics store, her mind whirling with possibilities about the tasks The Architect was recruiting her for. As a borderline genius with a mild autistic streak, she had a unique perspective on the world, and she was eager to put her skills to use.

But as she walked, she became aware of a presence following her. She couldn't see anyone, but she could sense a dark figure lurking just out of sight. The man had a mean, rough look about him, the kind of guy who fit in with street-fighting gangs and was always on the hunt for a victim to beat up and rob.

Maya's instincts kicked in, and she quickened her pace, trying to lose the stranger in the crowded streets. She weaved in and out of alleys and side streets, her heart pounding in her chest.

Finally, she felt safe enough to slow down and catch her breath. She glanced back over her shoulder, but the figure was nowhere to be seen.

When she arrived home, her parents, David and Rachel, were worried because she didn't come straight home from school like normal. Maya gave them a story about going to a friend's house to study for a test, and they seemed to accept it without question.

Maya went to her room, eager to get the VR headset ready for her virtual meeting with The Architect. She spent the evening trying to wind down, going to bed at 9 pm to get some sleep before the meeting at 3 am.

But as the hours ticked by, she found herself lying awake, too excited and nervous to sleep. She tossed and turned, her mind racing with thoughts of The Safe House and the tasks she might be recruited for.

Finally, at midnight, she was fed up with trying to sleep and got up and sat in front of her computer, staring at the countdown timer with her VR headset sitting on top of her head. She sat there quietly munching on Cheetos and drinking a Mountain Dew, trying to calm her nerves.

At 2:55 it was go time. She slid the headset down over her eyes and logged into The Safe House. The familiar sensation of immersion washed over her, and she felt herself being transported to a new world. The lights streaked and flashed before her eyes and she swore she could feel the wind on her cheeks.

Suddenly it all came to a halt and she was standing staring into nothingness. A blank blackness that seemed to go on forever. She looked up and down, left and right but saw nothing but the street immediately beneath her feet. As she slowly turned she realized she was standing before an immense building that seemed to be the biggest building in the world. A steel blast door with an old iron door knocker ring hanging on it and a lone neon sign above the door that simply read “welcome”.

Maya nervously raised her hand touched the knocker. It was cold to the touch. How could she feel it in her hands in virtual reality? This was insane. Who wrote this world? What kind of hardware is this running on? Who is crazy enough to be inside this kind of virtual reality? It was so real she couldn’t tell if she was still in her room or if she actually left. This was literally the most frightening experience she’s ever had. Her knees were shaking and her legs were growing weaker with fright.

So she knocked.

Maya stood before the steel door, her heart racing with anticipation. She had been waiting for this moment for what felt like an eternity. She raised her hand to knock again when the door cracked open with a hiss of hydraulic pressure. A tall, imposing figure stood in the doorway, his eyes narrowing as he took in Maya's determined expression.

"Welcome, Echo," he said, his voice low and gravelly. "I'm Jax. I've been expecting you."

Maya's eyes locked onto Jax's, searching for any sign of deception. But all she saw was a man who had clearly seen his share of battles. His eyes were haunted, his jawline etched with the weight of secrets kept and truths spoken.

"Thanks for meeting me here," Maya said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jax nodded, his expression softening. "You're safe now, Echo. You're among friends."

He stepped aside, allowing Maya to enter the fortified bunker. As she walked through the door, Jax fell into step beside her, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a practiced ease.

The interior of the bunker was surprisingly warm and cozy, the air thick with the scent of freshly baked goods. Maya's stomach growled in response, and she felt a pang of hunger.

As they walked, the sounds of the bunker grew louder - the hum of machinery, the murmur of voices, the clinking of dishes. Maya's eyes adjusted to the dim light, and she saw that they were approaching a kitchen.

Leila was mixing a batch of brownies, her hands moving with a practiced ease. Maya's stomach growled in response, and she felt a pang of hunger.

"Can I have a bite?" Maya asked, trying to sound casual.

Leila smiled, offering her a warm, gooey brownie. Maya took a bite, and her eyes widened in surprise. The flavors exploded on her tongue, rich and decadent. But as she chewed, she felt a strange sensation, like her body was craving something more.

Leila noticed Maya's expression and nodded knowingly. "It's just a simulation, Echo. The Safe House is designed to be indistinguishable from reality. But it's not real, of course."

Maya took another bite of the brownie, savoring the taste. She was starting to feel a sense of wonder, a sense that this was something truly special. Leila and Jax, who had been quietly observing the exchange, began to brief Maya on her upcoming meeting with The Architect.

As they spoke, Maya's eyes wandered around the kitchen, taking in the other avatars of people she had met online. There were thousands of members, all gathered here in this virtual space, each with their own unique story to tell. Maya felt a thrill of excitement, a sense that she had stumbled into something much bigger than herself.

Leila and Jax explained the goals of The Safe House, their passion and conviction infectious. Maya found herself drawn into their vision, a vision of a world where digital liberty was within reach. As they spoke, she began to realize the true extent of The Safe House's reach, the number of people from all over the world who had come together to fight for a common cause.

Maya's mind was racing with questions, her heart pounding with excitement. She knew that her life was about to change in ways she couldn't even imagine. But she was ready, eager to see what the future held for her and for The Safe House.

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  ·  9 days ago  ·  




Thank you!

  ·  9 days ago  ·  

Full disclosure

I write fiction too 🥓