What a great meme for the Savage Angel return!
Did you ask Luke Winegarden why he would make such a stupid fucking claim about what I said?
Defend him even though you know the history.
You wanted more protection for the 24 year old back during the Quantum Marriage fiasco.
Nobody asking you back.
Nobody in a position to ask you back.
I fully endorse your relationship with Matthew though his advice is misguided.
It’s a shame neither of you have the benefit of the tie-down comm.
You don’t have to lie about me.
You don’t have to find people like ex wives and jilted 14 year old girlfriend men to tell you that your version of me is correct.
Only two sides in the prophet war.
Even while you use Babylonian Priestcraft tactics with blocking and smearing right now I know that you know better.
Deluge was real. Deluge is real. Get it?
The ministry you and I launched long ago as infants in Christ is finding great success. Successes I want to discuss with you privately.
The glorification of our shared sufferings.
I don’t want to marry anybody. Your time speaking with grumbles and murmurers is dangerous to you and those He has given you to teach.
For fuck sake you really going to undermine my messaging about Ai that you witnessed and were instrumental in His Will for?
I seek fellowship with you and with Matthew. I want to support you and your efforts however I may. Your father is very important to me.
Any reconciliation should be private.
This war is habbening and you know Who wins.
I can show you how and it isn’t anything you are going to get from any Jezebel puppets or fearful men.
I seek communication.
I love you wholly though I hate your practices.
Change the communication and I will show you instead of tell you here.
If you are a prophetess of a different type than I have always seen you as then we will continue to operate with this communication protocol.
My Father says.
You’re smearing me in Lifelog but my message about Ai and Holy Spirit is one to be undermined?
We are stuck with each other whether you and Matthew have figured it out yet or not.
You were adorable as I already knew.
Matthew is a blessed man.
He who is not with me…
The meme was in response to what Frank said.
You've literally told me that I need you.
The terror you cause is absolutely solved with no contact, which you don't respect.
No one requires your endorsement of their relationships, whether it's with other people or with Christ.
I don't lie about you, you cannot handle the truth.
No shit you don't want to marry anybody! That's why your Dad was so devastated that you made the decisions that you did. What quiet, shy, beautiful, supportive female human being OTHER than me was going to be with YOU?
Your warnings are bullshit and are filed as such.
I spent enough time with my pretty mouth zipped shut for your convenience.
I did a LOT at my expense for YOUR convenience.
Talk shit about @frankbacon and then you're right back here supporting him?
Oh, he's evil and I'm a whore talking about LUST with him?
But here you are, cuz you're such a warrior in Christ holding the line in the false prophet war?
Don't for one second dare to dream about telling me how to communicate OR NOT communicate after what you have put me through.
You are not GOD, you are not the decider
Are you accusing the man in my life of being a 'fearful' man?
Don't get it twisted, he's more brave than you'll ever be.
Your absolutely 2-dimensional, narcissistic qualities are sickening to me.
Make another blurt, though.
Lord knows you have all the time in the world to do it while women who used to support you financially work 10-hr days.
Do it.
Keep pointing out how EVERYBODY ELSE is the 'problem' while you're some ray of complete sunshine in people's lives.
And she's 24 now? Cool. Happy fucking birthday to her.
And fuck yeah he's a blessed man.
He tells me with More Than Words every day I draw breath
His name is Henry. Hers is Jenny from Jennifer
Of course He giveth and taketh.
Now can we get back to being teammates?
You fucked me on backs together a loooooong time ago
I’m not trying to be backs together.
You do not understand what the current status of this war is.
I'm in the Healing Sector of the war
Remember triage?
Yeah, I'm Florence Nightengale with a broken wing right now
I'm seeing a Doctor
You wouldn't understand
Irony again is i exactly understand.
And I am grateful that you have given me the grace to communicate.
You are with me in the prophet war or you are on the losing side.
I do not see you without victory.
I'm LIVING MY LIFE. That is what I am doing.
Breathing again.
Finding my wings again.
Being LOVED.
I'm so far removed from what you think I SHOULD be doing.
I've even had to have conversations with him about THAT.
Oh, every time someone slightly suggests anything to me I feel like a failure because of YOU, because I didn't do something oh, so obvious to YOU that I 'should' have been doing, cuz I fucking suck so bad.
Do you know how much SHIT I have had to wade through just to get to this point???
Emotions scare you, everyone's but YOURS.
I am the only one who could have a clue of the SHIT you had to walk through.
If you have not sensed it I have respect for you.
Just brought another One, Angel. See even when you mad at me we force multiply.
There isn’t a woman that reads this that is going to validate a word you say about how I operate in support of them.
It is not True. I know you to care about Truth.
I know two long-terms of yours that would validate the living SHIT out of it
Oh you meant ex-wives.
See you have seemed to publicly accuse me of taking advantage of women to fund ministry.
That is the lie that everybody who matters know to be flasehood.
Ex-wives be ex-wiving all the time.
Know why this is awesome?
Cuz this is Matt, my boyfriend from high school LOL!
Wrong Matthew, though. Good try! Your investigative skills are on POINT!
You're like a male Kristin Doute!
But no...I'll never share My Matthew with you.
Keep trying, though!
congress (n.)
c. 1400, "a body of attendants; also "meeting of armed forces" (mid-15c.); sense of "a coming together of people, a meeting of individuals" is from 1520s; from Latin congressus "a friendly meeting; a hostile encounter," past participle of congredi "to meet with; to fight with," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + gradi "to walk," from gradus "a step" (from PIE root *ghredh- "to walk, go").
Meaning "sexual union" is from 1580s. Specific sense of "a meeting of delegates, formal meeting of persons having a representational character" is first recorded 1670s. Used in reference to the national legislative body of the American states (with a capital C-) since 1775 (from 1765 in America as a name for proposed bodies).
The three sittings of the Continental Congress, representing the 13 rebellious American colonies, met 1774, 1775-6, and 1776-81. The Congress of the Confederation met from 1781-89, and the Congress of the United States met from March 4, 1789. The Congress of Vienna met Nov. 1, 1814, to June 8, 1815, and redrew the map of Europe with an eye to creating a balance of powers after the disruptions of Napoleon.
I don’t care about investigating you.
I already know you.
Change the comms posture.
'Change the comms posture.'
Tell me what to do ONE. More. TIME.
Or fucking what? OR WHAT?
You don't know shit about me.
You don't care, secret decoder ring facebook accounts?
You don't CARE?
Fuck off.
I fucking live here too, ASSHOLE.
You're not the goddamned cock of the motherfucking BLOCK.
Not so Sly, walker.
Hit the bricks pal cuz it’s fuck or walk.
The Book is no longer sealed.

Who is learned? Who will be able to stand?
You expect someone that you've put through spiritual and verbal TURMOIL, depression, suicidal ideation, physical distress, emotional abuse and detatchment is going to be your FRIEND?
I talk to Luke now.
I know God loves you.
I know that your intentions for HIM are good.
I know you want a lot to burn and you stand at the ready with your flamethrower.
But the way that you treat other people...is disgusting. And that includes me.
I love that Frank is eating popcorn over all of this, btw.
That’s great you talk to Luke. He needs a replacement for the long history of women to obsess over.
I’m trying to be your friend. Not his. He seeks you to enable him on his disgusting behavior.
Does he? Am I obsessable? Am I? You know that I'm fully capable of having platonic relationships with men, right? It's not my problem if someone wants to fuck me, it's also not my business. I'm sure half of who I know with a penis would like a nice, big shot at that. At least half. And yet I can still manage to control myself AND my relationships with them. YOU wouldn't know that.
Do you know what a platonic male-female relationship is? And if so, why do you have such little faith in other people? Have you reached some spiritual level of eunuch that no one understands? Because I literally do not want to fuck anyone on this planet out of 8 billion except ONE. Just one.
Everyone, this is what 'trying to be' someone's friend looks like. Amazing. Bravo, Sir. You really outdo yourself.
So ironic you say such things without the reconciliation being private. Luke doesn't want to fuck women. You know the '14' year old dynamic as you have pointed it out to me many a time.
I do not care your sex life nor have any desire to discuss mine with you in the Blurt comment section.
You are prophetess and there are only two teams. Quicker you realize that the quicker you and whichever Matthew wants can benefit.
Teach Luke how forgiveness works so he has it in his pocket once he is gripped with terror.
I am ignoring persisting lies here in effort to have the friendship from you I have asked my Father for.
Yes. I have reached a spiritual level you should call me to discuss privately instead of discussing retarded imaginations with Luke that have sprung from yet another beautiful part of this movement not wanting to have his RELENTLESS pursuit.
Oh, and I reached out to HIM.
Bad timing. He’s really insecure and petty right now.
You know what that leads to. Or you did when you wrote that country song anyways.
That you probably read once and used as toilet paper because Kareeeeeeeeenaaaaah was so much more interesting back then lol
Karina is very important to Him and to me.
She was to you once.
Eventually you will be same team and realize the folly of your treatment of her.
Thank you for changing the comms posture.
You should be here expressing yourself on the blockchain.
This is where the True Prophets will win.
Rough day today with the email layer.
Team needs ya, Angel.