Duck GUNSI 888

in duckgunsi888 •  last year 


Broiler ducks are one of the commodities that will continue to be developed in Indonesia because consumers of duck meat are increasing day by day which is able to lift the economy of the farming community. The development of livestock business needs to optimize local livestock by utilizing existing potential, namely land and feed, and supported by appropriate technology and good animal health management, so that they can compete.


tahan tubuh ini juga didukung dari indukan bebek lokal yang memiliki daya adaptasi yang baik.

Tekstur dan cita rasa daging
Cita rasa daging bebek Gunsi 888 mudah diterima masyarakat lokal. Hal ini karena rasa daging mirip bebek lokal. Sedangkan tekstur dagingnya merupakan perpaduan tekstur daging bebek peking dan tekstur bebek lokal.

Pemeliharaan tanpa air, minim bau, hemat lahan
Kandang kering, tanpa perlu kolam bermain air atau berenang, inilah ciri tempat pemeliharaan lingkungan bebek hibrida pedaging Gunsi 888. Sementara itu, untuk meminimalkan becek, tempat minum air diletakkan di luar kandang, untuk mencegah timbulnya bau pada kandang.

Keadaan kandang kering seperti ini memberi kesan kandang lebih bersih, sehingga bebek menjadi jarang terkena penyakit, bau yang dihasilkan kandang minim, dan dapat meminimalkan protes masyarakat di sekitar kandang.







The current condition for culinary enthusiasts of duck meat dishes seems to be increasing. Just look at the various menu offerings of duck, available from street stalls, such as Madura duck rice to restaurant class. For those who are keen to see opportunities, actually the demand for duck meat in the culinary market today is very high.

Just imagine, a famous duck meat restaurant requires 600,000 ducks per month. Meanwhile, one restaurant with a well-known duck mainstay menu can reach 100 ducks per day per one branch. That is, a great business opportunity for broiler duck breeders and prospective duck breeders to transport ducks to restaurants.

The problem is, how to provide ducks in large quantities and quickly so that the market demand for duck meat can be met. Then, what types of ducks can grow to a certain weight, without odor, and are disease resistant. The answer to that question is Bebek Gunsi 888.

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