Power of Dua

in dua •  2 years ago 

Assalamualaikum ,
I send good wishes to all the readers.



Dua, a word that is small yet powerful. Dua means prayer in English like christians go to the church to pray. We ask dua from the almighty, the creator of the creators.

Dua is powerful if you believe in it. Are you a person who believes in Dua / Prayer. I am that person and this is also my belief. There is a quote that was told to me by my teacher when i was studying.



The quote says that a person from this world will help you once, twice, thrice but after that they will be pissed off and ask you to go somewhere else while the almighty is always happy to see you asking for anything in front of him.

People will make you remember after helping you but the almighty will not. That's why there is a difference between Banda ( humans ) and Allah ( God ).

There is a very famous Dua that prophet Younus PBUH read when he was eaten alive by a fish. It was : La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimeen.


I know there are people belonging to different beliefs and religion. I do not intend to hurt anyone and i just shared about my beliefs.

Dua is powerful atleast it is for me and i have seen my stucked work getting done alot of time by dua.

Also it is important to do what is in your will to achieve something and then make dua for the success of that work.

That's all for this blog, thank you for reading till the end.


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