Get paid for Comments on Dtube 🎥 🍿

in dtube •  7 months ago  (edited)

I have earned about 138 Dtube coins today from commenting on Videos on Dtube.

That’s about $4 USD

Not bad for a few comments. The trick is to have High VP ( Voting Power) on Dtube. You earn VP by holding Dtube coins on Dtube ..

If you have 1000 Dtube coins you earn 1000 VP / hr ….

So 24,000 VP per day …

I have close to 27 Million VP from letting my VP build each day and only making comments with .25 % Voting Power.

I’m very happy to earn $4 a day making comments on Dtube videos.


You can Buy, Sell, Trade Dtube tokens on


How to Create a Dtube account :

Here …

Tip : the longer your dtube name the cheaper the cost to create a new Dtube account


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  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Interesting- I wonder if my hockey card videos would get anywhere on there.

Well… it doesn’t matter 90% of the rewards on both Videos and comments are automatic self votes … just let your Voting power build up … post a video or comment and earn lots of Dtube.

I use dtube 2 post my Videos on the 3 Chains . No more copy Paste only one time Text writing . THis is very usefull and 4 this i play gratefully 10% 2 dtube.

Yes. It’s the best way to post in 4 places at once. Dtube, Blurt, Hive and Steemit. The best blockchain crypto projects.

I was hitting the comments hard last night as well on DTube and found a couple more great content creators I didn't know about before. A lot of us are on STEEM, Blurt, and HIVE. When I film a video I upload it to YouTube and then post it through DTube which blows it out to STEEM, Blurt, and HIVE.
That is pretty crazy your voting power built up to 27MVP.

If I go insane on posting and comments I calculated that I can get close to 300 DTC / Day.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

I like joining dtube, but unfortunately I have difficulty registering an account, if I ask for your help to register an account for me, then how much blurt tokens should I give you?

What happened when you went through the registration link?

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

i don't have dtc, if you want to help please let me know and thanks very much for that

  ·  7 months ago  ·   (edited)

300 Dtube per day is awesome… $9 USD a day. That’s like $12.30 Cdn per day … $400/ month … That a pretty nice side income. Plus all the extra $$$ you earn on Blurt, Hive and Steemit.

$1,000 usd per month.

With the others I don't have as much power with Steem, Hive, and Blurt. So it makes it tough to get to $1,000 / month with my current power levels and support between all of them. I would have to almost be on it 12 hours / day and crank really hard for that. I think after I launch a couple more of the other accounts on DTube and have it blowing out content on the other chains.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

How to login dtube ?

Here …

Tip : the longer your dtube name the cheaper the cost to create a new Dtube account


  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Can't sign using the Steem master key?

  ·  7 months ago  ·   (edited)

Maybe … it’s a very long time since I joined.

I think @brianphobos or @techcoderx can help you.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  


No I don't believe so because when DTube went to it's own chain (Avalon) they made a new key system and the people who submitted their accounts to reserve their usernames 3 years ago were able to keep that same username and new keys were generated. You can most likely get your same username but it will be different keys than what is on STEEM, HIVE, and Blurt

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Thanks very much

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

....this seems like a far better way to earn crypto, than producing hours of written content with no upvote - i.e black listed, (called whitelist), or not upvoted because you don't agree to pay the idiot tax reward to null, tax...

Thanks for the post !

Posted from

  ·  7 months ago  ·   (edited)

Yes.. I am blacklisted everywhere because I only post Short content. I don’t care anymore though. I have learned the trick that the only way to earn rewards with short Content is through delegation on each blockchain. Steemit - Hive - Blurt - Ecency - inLeo …. They are all the same .. delegate for big upvotes… that’s how it works. Everywhere.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Ok, cool .
If you're gonna play the game to win (for yourself) - then capitalize on their own rules !

Thanks, matey !

Posted from

  ·  7 months ago  ·   (edited)

Well.. Life is getting very expensive here. Might as well earn a few extra dollars to help pay for stuff. Solar panels, batteries, tools, … food, … stuff like that. If I can earn a few dollars from photos of my dog and some trees by investing (delegating) my Steem power - Blurt power, Hive power - Leo Power - Holozing delegations …. why not ?

You can be an idealist or a Realist. Life has gotten real. Everyone needs more $$$ for food.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

You can be an idealist or a Realist.

I came to DPoS (steem) as an idealist (doh!), with an eye to realism at all times.
After seeing the low IQ behaviors of the lobotomized mob since then across all these platforms, the idealism has been well and truly replaced by cynicism (only in regards to these platforms).

Realism dictates that I must profit from these learned experiences. (5 years on DPoS).
...And so I will be.

The question is, 'do I play the game?' (looks to you for instruction lol), or do I find my own path to find profits, based on my 5 years experience on the block chain ?

....Or do I do both ?

Posted from

You can decide if you want to earn a little $$$ through Hive, Steem Blurt Power with Delegation or follow the RULES to make the Whitelist. … I decided to invest in myself via Delegations. To jsup, Upvu, Ecency, Leo.voter, HBD ( savings)