I noticed that Dtube is acting very strange again.
It’s up over 23% on Uniswap …
Coingecko : https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/dtube-coin
And up only 3 % on Ionomy …
So I’ll try some Arbitrage if the fees aren’t too high.
Ionomy : https://exchange.ionomy.com/en/markets/btc-dtube
I should buy some and start taking advantage
I have no idea why someone would pay $1 for Dtube on Uniswap when it’s 4 cents on Ionomy.
It still shows .76 cents on Uniswap ???
I Wonder if it’s a glitch on Coingecko
I think that is wrapped Dtube. It's not that easy to swap. I was the excited one who bought 3,000 dtube, but now I can't swap it.
You bought on Ionomy ? Or Uniswap ?
I stay away from anything to do with Ethereum. The fees are ridiculous ….
Right. I thoight i could send it directly to the uniswap wallet, but its a different network. The withdraw from ionomy never went through.
It has done this a few times now on Uniswap…
It's not worth the trouble to wrap those, but the random spikes are an interesting phenomenon.
Hopefully someone is sending us a sign from the Future. 👽 🛸
Funny it's up 1000 % today
Always on Uniswap… never on Ionomy …