Dtube and Blurt - Not posting correctly HELP

in dtube •  3 years ago 

Hey! I just started with blurt a bit ago but I have a number of people I work with that want to connect Dtube into Blurt. However whenever they submit their Dtube content it for some reason is not posted to Blurt?

They do have the accounts linked and they approve the whaleshares wallet transaction from Dtube. What also seems to happen is that it doesn't post to dtube on the first transaction which is super weird!

Has anyone else run into this? Solutions? options etc?

Anyways I think Blurt combined with Dtube could be a very powerful thing it just needs to be more smooth and run better in order to grow. In fact invested nearly $1,000 into Dtube just last week in hopes of building that out. If I can get that running smoothly then I'll be investing more but right now the complicated nature and issues I've been running into just don't seem promising. Hoping it's just a temp issue.

Thanks for the help and support! I figured I would ask here as I'm sure others have run into the issue and we can work on providing solutions for others as well.

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