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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

methotrexate. She was feeling well, but she was so addicted to it. Now, it's or hard to find, or it's very expensive. I don't think she can afford it anyway. But still she's not sure if she has to come back to it or not. Because she was feeling well while taking it, but once she makes a break, she felt worse right away. I checked just right now, I wouldn't advise her to come back to it. Look here : Buy Methotrexate Online in Canada. I wasn't finding that website before. Pfizer are producing it now. What a coincidence. Really crazy. Doctors in the other country told her to stop taking it, but she feels pain now in her hands. She visits doctors very often now. Still don't know what to do. If you'll find any information about that, please let me know. The drug looks so dangerous. But she was taking it for years.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hard at a distance, but I've gone through differential diagnoses with other people ;-) often find things the docs have missed! No joke, most docs have a limited range of drug-dealing options and rarely consider actually curing anything.

What's her official diagnosis?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Her official diagnosis is ''rheumatoid arthritis''. That was in Russia. When she went to other country, they said that she doesn't have to take that drug, but she seems taking others now. I'm afraid they just want her to buy the available one. I'll ask her about the new official diagnosis. Maybe you guys will be able to tell me what she has to do, and I will try to talk to her. @northern-tracey is right about the heavy detox, maybe that what will really help her.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, does she have any metals in her body? eg tooth amalgam or metal replacement parts.

I was dev the same - had removed the few amalgam fillings. Symptoms gone! Took a few months as mercury is cleared naturally but very slowly - there are faster mercury detox, but I didn't trust the post, so waited for the body to do it itself.

is funny tho, as we don't notice symptoms disappearing! lol. But I estimate maybe 6 months to clear.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So, here is what she said about her new diagnosis : ''It's rheumatism polyarthritis''. And she sent me a paper where they told her to buy and take : ''methylprednisolone'', ''celecoxib'', ''esomeprazole e magnesium'', ''colecalciferol'', and ''piroxicam''.

Do you mean that it's better for her to not take any of those drugs and to only do detox ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's not a diagnosis - that's a shopping list of drugs!!

Like I asked, does she have any metals? The most obvious is mercury amalgam, but she could have other implants.

IF she still has amalgam fillings, then she must have those removed first. There is no point doing a metals detox if the source is still there.

Also aluminium, if she has been cooking with it for years.

erm... also stop taking any vax, if she has been doing so!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

BTW none of those drugs will cure anything - they are all symptomatic relief scams designed to block the body doing its actual job - plus some things to stop her gut rotting away from the other drugs, eg synth vit D, proton pump inhibitor.

Just to show how clueless and evil doctor drug dealers are, there are 3 anti-inflammatory drugs! why?

Have you seen what happens to heroin addicts when they come off the drug? This is what a heavy detox looks like and every drug will produce the same effect if you stop it. Healing and detoxing is not pleasant but it is necessary. People need to stop fearing the body's healing processes and fear the poisons called drugs instead, and I don't mean just the illegal kind.

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