Nightmares and dreams

in dreaming •  10 months ago 


Have you ever had a nightmare and woken up in the middle of the night, wet through to the bone? Then, aside from the fact that you experienced a nightmare, you have no idea why you woke up. It is a well-known fact that everyone dreams, even if the majority of us do not recall them.

Have you ever woken up from a dream with an unsettling feeling you simply can't seem to get rid of, or with a beautiful feeling that makes you want to get out of bed and go about your day?

Children frequently experience night terrors, which could be brought on by challenging knowledge they learn during the day or by the fact that their developing brains cannot handle the complexity of the information.

Although the precise functioning of our brains remains unknown, researchers have been studying sleep for years in an effort to determine the true cause of dreams. Although scientists are still unable to pinpoint the precise cause of dreams, they have developed a number of intriguing possibilities.

What is known about nightmares and dreams

We all know that during the REM phase of sleep, the majority of our dreams take place. Drugs and alcohol can affect the REM stage of sleep and induce bad dreams, thus in order to dream, we need to be in a peaceful frame of mind.

According to some scientists, dreaming is primarily responsible for shaping and organizing our daytime memories. Some claim that the only thing happening while we sleep is our brains reacting to physiological changes.

People's severe dreams may be caused by depression and anxiety. Once the patient begins taking medicine to balance their serotonin levels, these nightmares frequently stop.

Serotonin helps you feel calm, peaceful, hopeful, and optimistic while also protecting your body from depression and anxiety. On the opposite side, a range of mental issues, mood disorders, and lack of sleep may arise from an imbalance in serotonin levels.

How may keeping a dream journal benefit you?

You may be able to discover an entirely new world for yourself by putting your dreams on paper. You'll find yourself connecting with yourself more and more. You are essentially listening to yourself when you investigate your dreams.

You may become aware of aspects of your life that you may not have previously recognized when you record dreams and discover the true significance behind them. If you don't put it in writing as soon as you wake up, those memories will fade away in a matter of minutes.

You may eventually experience a stronger sense of inner self-connection. Through lucid dreaming, you could even begin to manipulate your dreams.

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