Communicating with the earth energy power centre of our home (using dowsing rods)

in dowsing •  2 years ago  (edited)


Despite only learning how to dowse for energy lines two days ago, yesterday I was able to locate the radials emanating from the earth energy power centre of our home and after tracking them to their source (in Esteban & Luna's bedroom) today I have found that I am able to communicate with this energy which at my request has gone from being a bunch of lines to the spiral pattern you can see above. Yes, you heard that right. And I realise the words which follow on from these will be difficult for all of you to hear. Which is fine. Certainly I don't offer much proof. All I can say about this is that I am not here to deceive you. On the contrary, I believe I am here to inspire & motivate you!

If you missed my last post and are not familiar with dowsing I recommend you read that one first as this one will not contain any pictures of how I am doing this.

From lines to spirals

Those of you who follow me will already know that when I am excited about something I am pretty good at doing a deep dive on it for a few days, after which I will have a relatively solid understanding of the basics and dowsing has been no different. As such I am now in communication with one of the UK's top dowsers Tim Walter, who is advising me on my current situation.

In my last post we learned how the crossing points of ley lines are not good places for humans or animals to sleep (creating disease and mutations) so I was dismayed to see how a total of ten energetic lines appeared to meet over the top of Esteban's bed where he has been sleeping most of his life.


All of these lines are detectable throughout our home and also outside it, so I was 100% sure this was the exact spot where they crossed each other.


But what I didn't understand at this stage was that not all energetic lines are ley lines, which are more like grid systems over laid on top of each other. The crossing points of multiple lines like this would have been recognised long ago and reserved for much more important places than our humble little home.


In fact, it turns out that our house has an earth energy power centre which radiates outward from this point along these lines, intersecting with ley lines of course, but not the same thing.

Due to my initial concern the children were a little freaked out at first by the idea of being directly under the centre.


No worries. Just play over here then.


I had seen this video made by Tim (who is also a filmmaker like myself) in which he explains these earth energy power centres while intercutting the scene with a very powerful story from his mentor Hamish Miller who basically tells us how it is possible to re-activate dormant energetic patterns at ancient sites using direct communication, creativity and love.

Everything in this film resonated as being true to me and although I knew I was not dealing with an ancient site here in the children's bedroom, my feeling was that I should try to replicate what I had seen in some way.

So I waited for my family to leave the house (knowing I could not do this with the energetic chaos which usually comes with their presence) and prepared myself in an appropriate manner with Reiki and some meditation with my special Mudra to harness the energy of the new moon today.

Then I approached the central spot with LOVE & LIGHT in my heart, fully acknowledging its presence and expressing my gratitude with tears. Don't know why I was crying. It just felt really powerful. I wiped the tears from my face and asked for a sign in order to know for sure we are a team now, working toward the same goal.


Prior to this moment I had not been able to find any other lines in the room, yet after this moment something wonderful happened.

Having watched Hamish do his work in various films over the last few days I was aware of the need, after trying to 'establish contact' like this, to walk the existing lines in order to find any new ones. And upon walking these lines again I found a whole bunch of new activity which I immediately started to map out with small balls of paper, placing one at my feet every time I felt the dowsing rods pull together.


I had placed exactly three pieces of paper on the floor when all at once I knew it was a spiral. It didn't look like one at that stage but somehow I just knew. Rather like I was being spoken to directly.

Hamish is sadly not with us any more but his apprentice remains and I didn't hold back from telling Tim what I thought I had found in the bedroom. His response was excellent though he does rather imply that dowsing takes practice and someone who only learned it yesterday probably doesn't know what they are doing yet. Indeed, this does seem logical enough. But couldn't it perhaps just be that my lifetime as a cameraman with a sturdy hand and sturdy temperament makes me the perfect person for this?


I spent a good hour painstakingly placing these dots on the floor and the words of Rolf Harris kept coming to my mind, "can you see what it is yet?" because in truth even though I could feel it to be a spiral of some kind, I couldn't really SEE it till I started to map it out with an orgonite pyramid at the centre.


Not going to lie, they didn't all line up exactly (that will be the lack of experience) but for the most part it felt clear to me what was going on.


It is difficult when you are dowsing to accurately judge the EXACT spot on the ground, at least 1M under the rods which are at a weird angle for your eyes to see the spot directly beneath. This no doubt comes with practice so I permitted for up to 3cms of movement for around ten of the balls in order to better fit the shape I believed was there.


I know some of you will say that with enough random balls on the floor and the opportunity to move ten of them up to 3cms, you can make pretty much any shape you like, but that isn't what is happening here.


When Hamish asked the energy at the sacred Mauri site to reveal itself, it showed him an infinity symbol. And when he sent love to the energy it showed him something which resembled a flower, so I wasn't necessarily expecting a spiral but I do believe this energy was able to sense my current obsession with electroculture spirals. In fact, I am excited to say that tomorrow I will be 3D printing my first spiral moulds in order to mass produce perfect spirals for the garden! So yes, I have spirals on the mind and this to me seems like a clear response to my question "are we on the same team?"

The children are sleeping in the living room tonight because I'm still buzzing here and haven't yet decided if I'm done with their bedroom.


Going to sleep on it and see how I feel tomorrow.

Love and Light everyone 🌱


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  ·  last month  ·   (edited)

2 votes

Upvoted by @ultravioletmag

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I was actually thinking about you when I posted this one @ultravioletmag

The room is back to normal now with a bunk bed for the children off to one side, away from the vortex.

Though I have since then confirmed (by speaking to this Divine energy) that it isn't bad for us. On the contrary, it is beneficial and here to help us.

The space at the centre will therefore be reserved for meditation or further communication.

Space is an interesting thing huh? I do actuallt rly believe in feng sui of however you spell it. I know it’s not totally connected, but I’ve noticed when I move certain things in a room it changes the whole energy