We all live in the same society

in diversity •  9 months ago 

For people who are working in big organizations, this word DIVERSITY is very common for them. The MNCs do keep talking about Diversity and Inclusion and Respect for Individuals, but when it comes to our personal life how much do we consider diversity in our life. Honestly till the time I was living in Mumbai, this word for me was also limited to the corporate world and it never really entered into my personal life. Most of my friends are also from my own culture and I was living in a very closed space.

But when I moved to Oman, this land is full of Diversity, and diversity here is just not limited to the corporate world. At my home I have a Bangladeshi helper, a Hyderabadi cook, My neighbors are from Egypt and Pakistan, at my work place I have some Sri Lankans, the parlor that I visit is run by a Pilipino. Now this is what I call diversity in personal life as well. Where you come across so many different people from different backgrounds.
In Mumbai diversity for me was just working with people of different religions, but at the end of it they were all Indians, so it never made much of a difference.


When I came here, my biggest challenge along with many others was this also, of how to deal with people of other regions. I had to maintain respect for everyone. And over a period of time I realized that we are all similar people just like me and only divided by boundaries. Most of the ways are common, except for some cultural differences. There was nothing different in them, at the end of it all are just normal people.

We create these differences by the land boundaries but if we understand each other's culture they are also almost the same. A few traditions differ but the objective is the same. There is so much of discrimination in the world today which is all created by us humans only which is absolutely not necessary, after all we must not forget we are all humans and we have all grown from one single tree and spread out ourselves.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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  ·  9 months ago  ·  

after all we must not forget we are all humans

Not all....


Evil individuals trying to manipulate to control others - the normal humans - is the problem.

after all we must not forget we are all humans

What we must not forget - imo - is that the human predators, wearing philanthropic masks (often called governments, ngo's, etc) are THE SINGLE biggest problem facing humanity today - not ordinary people with ordinary lives who do not want to exert tyranny over others.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

These are not humans, they come from very lower frequencies and they only thrive on our fear. The day everyone gives up their fear they will crumble to nothing.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

...we can only keep trying to make it so !..lol

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org