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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Have I indeed been transported via the twilight zone? I used to watch that, and tales of the unexpected, I never expected to live in both!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

One series that is even closer to the bone is Fringe - much later than those you mention.
More interesting IMO than X-files (the recent extension was pathetic).

Indeed, fiction has a hard time competing with reality.
My overwhelming feelings remain "told you so!" and "not surprised" - just disappointed.
Nobody believed me when I said that stupidity is dangerous - they would insist on calling it "common sense". Dunning Kruger gone global. And it isn't just about IQ-style intelligence - it is about inner intelligence, inner perceptions. Interesting that there isn't a common word for it - it isn't EQ either, that's largely behaviorist.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Interesting that there isn't a common word for it

Try awareness or conscious , two very underrated words . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yeah, but everyone believes they have both.

Clarity is used a lot in Tibetan, to distinguish it from normal awareness.
So one finds quite common that "right actions" arise from "clear awareness" - hence, no need for a moral code - but beyond good and evil requires a certain consciousness. ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Daughter is struggling with c++ so going old school and working our way up, I collect old computers too, feck me what don't I collect.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't collect old computers, but I still have an interest in these old computers. I learned BASIC in the early '90s when I was a teenager. I had a Color Computer II, and I sometimes got to play with a C64 whenever I visited my cousins who had one.

I like watching YouTube channels that talk about those vintage computers, like The 8-Bit Guy on YouTube.

After my teenage years, I didn't really touch computer programming much until a couple years ago. When I got laid off at the beginning of the Coof lockdowns, I got interested in Python and I got into it and learned it while I was at home not really doing anything else. Learning BASIC all those years back helped a lot in picking up new programming languages since I was already familiar with programming concepts. Then I sort of half-learned Javascript when I joined the Blurt Foundation so that I could work on the Blurt frontend UIs and whatnot.

I'm still a bit reluctant to learn C++, but I probably will have to learn it since the Blurt blockchain nodes are written in it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I started off with basic back in the early 80's and found it very easy, so I thought the best path was do as I did not as I say. She is only 10 so has plenty of time for other software later on in life, just got to get her interested in sitting and writing a program, we got into it to get free games, and if there is a game at the end of it it will give her an incentive I hope, like it did me. (It also was a c64) 👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's good to get into it at that age. I was around 12 when I started to get really interested in computers. Even if you don't pursue a career in computers, the skills learnt are transferrable. Having a good grasp of math, logic and other skills that are involved in programming comes in quite handy for my current day job operating a CNC wood router.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have to say, you did well picking it all up that fast and with no teacher or need to do it, c++ will be easy for you if you are that adept at learning code.
I gave up making websites and coding 20 years ago as my main hobby is restoring classic 2 stroke motorbikes, and that is what I love doing, you have to follow your passions in life, no matter what they are.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I've watched Fringe. I really enjoyed that show. I think I actually watched it twice from start to finish on Netflix a few years ago.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Superb answer but from here on in I am offering no opinion and leaving everyone else to express their own. 👍