RE: Shackled minds - Strange breed indeed.

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Shackled minds - Strange breed indeed.

in discussion •  2 years ago 

The old joke about "the lunatics have taken over the asylum" has it back to front - the lunatics have always run the asylums, they own them.

By having retarded questions such as being pregnant forces most people to firstly accept the question, then answer it, while all the time thinking WTF. Cognitive dissonance.

IMO the "lunatics" need mandatory therapy - a dark cell - for the greatest benefit to us all.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Really should pump this vein. This is the POV of Political Ponerology. That the psychotyrants are insane - really, they have a disease - they have diseased minds - and therefore need therapy.
That so many others are becoming diseased in synchrony with the tyranny makes treatment more difficult.
Psychiatry protects actual psychopathic elite - just read the DSM section on psychopathy - which is why psychiatry and "medicine" are now thoroughly anti-human.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The Ukraine war has really shone a light with regards to the "pick a side" and chant from the stands, where were they all for Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc.

Trans-human agenda, people seem to like Elon Musk yet he wants to put a microchip inside every human on this planets head, see I do live in the twilight zone for real.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And Lone Skum plans to cover the whole sky in satellites beaming down pulsed microwaves - so will be nowhere to hide. Why do people like this tyrant?

I think the "pick a side" dilemma is more about avoiding the tyranny in one's own yard.
The trip-switch was astonishing - from coronati sheep to howling dogs.
Pavlov will be smiling.
In his later experiments he tried to see if he could make dogs insane - not just salivating for food.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I recall the bombing of Baghdad was shown live on the BBC - was late night but I was still awake - and was thinking... why are they showing us this? Are we supposed to be cheering?
Saddam was a fool, but that wasn't the point - stupid patsy, one of so many stuffed tyrants.
Was it all just to ensure most of us are draped in a flag?
I have multiple nationalities and I fly... none of their flags.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I missed that one, maybe I was abroad, but then again I never watched the BBC anyway, far to gov orientated via that license fee they try to force people to pay, I had a fine once for not having one, never paid it, never will.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

BBC dramas used to be so much better than Hollywooden movies - Brits are just better at making nasty complex dramas. Gone all woketard now - annoying.

Anyway, we were never a TV-watching-family, was just there, so just the 4 channels. This was 1990! I prob had internet then, but was cheap so no cable channels.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We were walking one evening last summer, my wife and I, and this light appeared in the night sky above but to the right and coming towards us, the size of a star., then another, then another and so on and so forth. They disappeared from sight just above our head, then two also went over from left to right crossing paths with the others.
That is his star-link, only seen it once, but seeing is believing. We counted 17 in total that night. At first my wife thought UFO's or aliens, as you do.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Iridium satellites have been up there for years.

Surprised you could see them. Must have been very small - like a star.
the Skum plan is 100x more than iridium!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I might have a crack at that when our raspberry pi 400 turns up as it is Linux based and that is my thing, hate windows, detest it with a passion.
Want to teach daughter type person how to build a pc.
And I can leave the pi at the farm in the winter and if it gets stolen, I do not lose a great deal of money, unlike a laptop.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The video below does look animated, and moving faster than what we saw. Slightly bigger than a star I would say, but weird to see all the same, I guess the moonlight caught them and that was while walking in town - as at the farm there is no light pollution and I can see every constellation on a good night, but not seen them since, just the odd one on occasions. But much smaller.
Are the Musk variant low orbiting? No idea, never looked into it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This looks animated...

... but you can say if they were that bright!?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No not that bright and not that big.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

did you watch the vid? the vid-image is stupidly large. lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They ran a poll about "can men get pregnant" on Fakebook, the poll was done by talk radio, the same show Julia is on in this video above, the results were 54% YES, 1% don't know, 45% NO.
Either the YES was taking the piss out of a dumb question or else I would suggest as a species, we are DOOMED.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hope I can watch all the way to the end-credits.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Have I indeed been transported via the twilight zone? I used to watch that, and tales of the unexpected, I never expected to live in both!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

One series that is even closer to the bone is Fringe - much later than those you mention.
More interesting IMO than X-files (the recent extension was pathetic).

Indeed, fiction has a hard time competing with reality.
My overwhelming feelings remain "told you so!" and "not surprised" - just disappointed.
Nobody believed me when I said that stupidity is dangerous - they would insist on calling it "common sense". Dunning Kruger gone global. And it isn't just about IQ-style intelligence - it is about inner intelligence, inner perceptions. Interesting that there isn't a common word for it - it isn't EQ either, that's largely behaviorist.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Interesting that there isn't a common word for it

Try awareness or conscious , two very underrated words . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yeah, but everyone believes they have both.

Clarity is used a lot in Tibetan, to distinguish it from normal awareness.
So one finds quite common that "right actions" arise from "clear awareness" - hence, no need for a moral code - but beyond good and evil requires a certain consciousness. ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Daughter is struggling with c++ so going old school and working our way up, I collect old computers too, feck me what don't I collect.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't collect old computers, but I still have an interest in these old computers. I learned BASIC in the early '90s when I was a teenager. I had a Color Computer II, and I sometimes got to play with a C64 whenever I visited my cousins who had one.

I like watching YouTube channels that talk about those vintage computers, like The 8-Bit Guy on YouTube.

After my teenage years, I didn't really touch computer programming much until a couple years ago. When I got laid off at the beginning of the Coof lockdowns, I got interested in Python and I got into it and learned it while I was at home not really doing anything else. Learning BASIC all those years back helped a lot in picking up new programming languages since I was already familiar with programming concepts. Then I sort of half-learned Javascript when I joined the Blurt Foundation so that I could work on the Blurt frontend UIs and whatnot.

I'm still a bit reluctant to learn C++, but I probably will have to learn it since the Blurt blockchain nodes are written in it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I've watched Fringe. I really enjoyed that show. I think I actually watched it twice from start to finish on Netflix a few years ago.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Superb answer but from here on in I am offering no opinion and leaving everyone else to express their own. 👍