(JaiChai) "Codename: Ms. Jedan"

in digital-art •  2 years ago 

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"Codename: Ms. Jedan"

[Disclaimer: Everything depicted in this story is fictional and solely the product of the artist/author's imagination. Any resemblance to an actual event or specific person is purely coincidental.]

Meet Ms. Jedan, a second generation Croatian American from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Although she speaks to her parents in fluent Croatian, when speaking English, she can sound like a Cajun with a southern drawl.

Ms. Jedan was born with a unique ability: "phonographic memory" - the auditory version of "photographic or eidetic memory".

This enables Ms. Jedan to have instant, 100% accurate recall of any conversation, political speech or TV monologue she's ever heard.

The same applies to any animal sound that she's ever been exposed to (e.g., a wolf howling, a panther's growl, a bear's roar, a hooting owl, the screech of a hawk, etc.).

Lapsed time and duration of sound exposure has no effect on her abilities.

She can "feel or vividly relive" a cat's meow from her childhood as easily as the three-second comms blast from a couple of minutes ago.

There's another dimension to Ms. Jedan's special abilities that she's kept hidden since her early pre-adolescence.

Not only can she remember in detail the sounds of people or animals from her past, she can mimic those sounds too.

The auditory illusions she creates are almost perfect; fooling 99.9% of listeners into believing what they're hearing is the real thing.

As a young prankster, she thought it was fun to impersonate people on the phone or to convince others that a growling tiger or rabid dog was nearby and stalking them.

But that all changed on the day when one of her pranks ended up in disaster.

Instead of being a simple, harmless joke on her friends in the movie theater, her rendition of a "snarling wolf" caused others in the viewing audience to panic.

The panic spread until a few people began rushing towards the theater exits leading to the main lobby of the shopping mall.

The situation quickly snowballed into a mass hysteria and a full-blown stampede of hundreds of screaming mall customers.

Fortunately, no one was trampled to death in the chaos.

But there were many other injuries - including a dozen broken hips among the elderly, multiple storefront damages, flash looting and personal theft.

From that day forward, Ms. Jedan never used her uncanny mimicking ability unless it was absolutely necessary.

Before joining billionaire Raymond Kohl's Personal Security Detail,* Ms. Jedan spent 12 years in the U.S.Navy; gaining valuable "Real World" experience and building an impressive inventory of advanced skills.

She was an EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) technician - specializing in IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices), a U.S. Navy Deep Sea Diver, a military Free-Fall Parachutist, a DLI (Defense Language Institute) qualified linguist/interpreter for 11 foreign languages, a licensed EVOC (Emergency Vehicle Operator's Course) Driver and an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician).

Ms. Jedan also qualified as an Instructor Trainer; that is, the one who trains future instructors, for the U.S. Navy's Hypobaric Chamber ( flight environment) and Hyperbaric Chamber (dive environment) hazardous duty operations, plus other advanced water and land survival training programs.

Because she can be counted on in any situation, no matter how dire or seemingly hopeless it appears, to remain focused and quickly come up with a creative solution with whatever is available at the time, her co-workers nicknamed her "The better looking MacGyver twin".

[Submitted for your entertainment. Enjoy the Original Art.]

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

In Lak'ech, JaiChai

*The Security Detail - known as "The Pool" to its members and insiders, is an elite group of highly trained and fiercely loyal bodyguards, combat survival instructors and covert operatives - all under the guise of being an ordinary Executive Secretary.

The "Codename: Ms. Jedan" NFT on OpenSea:

[See more of my NFT collections on OpenSea: THE SECURITY DETAIL, Latina Allure; Empyrean Beauty II; Dark Wing Valkyries; La Silhouette Se Souvient; Filipina Allure; Empyrean Beauty; Viking Women Warriors; Proud, Strong and Beautiful; Exotic Allure; Assassin's Exotique; Orbiting Outliers; Quae Volant and Ancient Alien Digs]

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