How DIG Airdrop 24-Month Release Works: What You Can And Can't Do With Your DIG

in dig •  2 years ago 

Firstly, I hope you are all enjoying the recent DIG airdrop.

If you haven't yet claimed your DIG tokens, then there is plenty of information, such as this video or just go to the DIGchain website for the latest links to various social media help channels. You can also check if you qualify in ways other than the Blurt Cosmos attestation process. Anyway, I'm not here to talk about that; I'm here to explain what happens after you claim your DIG tokens.

There is some confusion about the idea that your DIG airdrop is somehow "locked" for 24 months and "released" in equal monthly installments so that you are then free to transfer such tokens to other accounts - including your Osmosis account.

Let me first copy a paragraph I found in DIG Discord channel:

Dig Update: 24-Month Vesting: People who got DIG in the airdrop will have 24 month vesting of their DIG coins with monthly unlocks. This is to ensure the coin is stabalized (sic) on release and that its value continues to increase over time.

What does this mean? Let me give an example:

If you have 2,400 DIG from the airdrop then every month 100 DIG would be unlocked. Similarly if you had 24,000 from the airdrop then every month 1,000 would be unlocked. This will be automatic every month - it will appear in your DIG wallet without you having to do anything, programmed into the Genesis state of the chain.

This message was posted in November, so it is possible that the current implementation is slightly different from what is described there.

So, the airdropped DIG you received is the total of the whole airdrop - there are no hidden tokens that will be "unlocked" and "appear in your DIG wallet." You will not be getting another 23 monthly installments (lmfao) - what you now have is all you will receive.

However, there is still a 24 month block on being able to transfer out all of your tokens. Your ability to transfer your tokens is limited to 24 equal measures of 1/24th of your tokens. You can think of your original airdrop as a timed deposit account that releases the full value in 24 equal installments.

I had to experiment with this and did find that one can immediately send one tranche of tokens, but if you try to send more than 1/24 the transfer just doesn't get processed. Sadly, there are no transaction messages warning the user that the transfer has been cancelled due to lack of "liquid" funds. Instead, the transfer just does nothing! Note that this limitation also applies to IBC transfers to your own Osmosis account, even though that account is linked to your primary DIG account.

So, it is worth going back to see what your original airdrop was, divide that number by 24 and then make a note of it as your monthly liquid DIG.

Note that this restriction does not apply to DIG rewards claimed from staking with validators. Those claimed rewards appear to be immediately liquid and hence able to be transferred.

All of this has had some effect on the DIG/OSMO liquidity pool, in that the liquidity remains low. There is an open proposal to add OSMO incentives to that pool, so it is worth using your own OSMO to add liquidity first and then later top it up, or liquidate, with your monthly unlocked DIG. This does require a bit of planning, and each user will have their own ambitions and available resources.

As a coda, this is the perfect scenario where a 3-way pool such as DIG/OSMO/ATOM would require less liquidity, fewer incentives and have an immediate use-case in that traders can use it to trade the OSMO/ATOM price! Maybe one day someone will follow this route.


Your DIG airdrop was a one-time event and no more tokens will appear in your wallet.
Think of your new DIG as a locked timed deposit, released in 24 equal monthly installments.
It is a shame there is no UI that shows users the locked and unlocked DIG, so users will have to keep track of this themselves.
The locked DIG cannot be transferred to any other account, this includes an IBC transfer to Osmosis.
You are free to stake your DIG with validators and earn rewards.
Such rewards can be claimed and are liquid and can be transferred.
Every month, 1/24th of your original airdrop becomes unlocked, hence liquid and free to be transferred.

Hope this helps users.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is a better link to vote on DIG incentives pool:

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi Dear honorable sir @rychard
How are you now ?
I hope that you will be better.
Sir please don't mind my matter.
I want to invite you to visit my post,
In which I have shared about my yesterday's traveling's pictures. This journey was of 2345km and has fulfilled with troubles too. Please click the link below.
Thanks..... May God bless you!

You came up with a good write up on this topic covering all the doubts , i was able to write one more publication but i think i will rather just share your post to anyone who now ask me questions related to dig.

Sadly, there are no transaction messages warning the user that the transfer has been cancelled due to lack of "liquid" funds.

In my case when i tried withdrawing more than 1/24th of my dig there was a message reflected, though i don't remember what exactly it was but yes there was a message.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

OK, was that msg on chillvalidation, or some other site? I didn't see one pop up when directly from Keplr. Maybe the msg has been recently added - my concern is that without knowing the reason user can keep trying the same transfer multiple times.

Thank you for this explanation, thus remain, with me still a few questions open. For example, the role of the deligators. Each validator wants delegations to be made to his account. But how do I get the delegation for my validator?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Firstly, is worth delegating to yourself!!
really, the validator address is different and gives confidence to others. Apart from that, is really asking people - making adding it as a footer on your posts everywher etc.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Awesome. Thanks for this update. I voted for your Witness…

I have another question. I set my wife and kid’s DIG attestation with a Cosmostation address … do you know how they retrieve their DIG ? Does each one need a Keplr wallet ?

Cosmostation: cosmos1c2tsxshzfg3kzwxmd9xsudz75va0a6ehv7df2f


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Do you know how to add accounts to your existing Keplr wallet? That's assuming you don't wish to load another instance of keplr on another machine or browser.
Then setup a new account using your secret 24-word pass phrase.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Can I just bring all the dig to one wallet ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

not if it is time-locked, you can only move the amount that gets unlocked daily

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ok… I was able to get it over to the look.chill thing… just can’t stake it for some reason. Get some “signer” error… but at least it’s there …

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

switch to right wallet and chain on Keplr. also try this app

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi Dear @megadrive sir, how are you?
I am sharing you about my today's program. I invite you to visit my post.
Please, see my program.
Don't mind my matter and encourage me.
God bless you!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

OK, this is interesting.
So is not really 24 monthly tranches, but 720 daily unlocks at epoch time.

Worth knowing. This setup is not worth micromanaging but it does mean one isn't waiting for some trigger day-of-the-month for release - is done slowly and daily. Thanks!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You can integrate several wallets in kpler. just choose the option to import account. Once there you must enter the mnemonic phrases (there are 24), with that you should already have your Airdrop account registered. Greetings.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Can I just send all the dig from Cosmostation to my one Keplr wallet ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In the step I mention. Your balance is automatically transferred to your kpler wallet. You don't have to make any transfer because you are recovering an account. What you can't do at the moment is to transfer between wallets because Airdrog is blocked for 24 months. So you can only release a portion each month.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah..I just want to stake my kid’s Dig to my Keplr wallet … they used a Cosmostation address…

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, but the advantage of cosmos wallets is that you can migrate them to other wallets without any problem. You only need the backup phrases.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Important Rewards you get 4 delegating are not effected by the vested amount.
Means you can send more token then the vested amount if their are rewards you got .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi, I don't understand this.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ok let me explain this :
Lets say you get monthly 1000 dig free from the airdrop ok ? Lets also say you got 2000 DIG delegation Rewards.
If you did not delegated your dig you normaly would get 1000 DIG that you can send to osmosis and sell .
BUt because you also have delegation rewards you can send the complete 3000 DIG to sell.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi, Dear honorable sir @opergnome,
I am a blurTian.
I invite you to visit my blogchain and encourage me.
Don't mind my matter please.
God bless you.
Click the following link to see that.

Appreciate the confirmation I was understanding this correctly.

I'm hopeful that we will see a couple of things in the coming weeks.

  • A listing on Ionomy. Jacob mentioned to me last year that he works closely with them and they told him they will list all of his future projects.

  • More talk of actual investors who are interested in using Dig for their projects. I can't find much in the way of interest when I search the net. I see also that it can be used for virtual real estate which I assume to mean fake real estate in games.

I'm also curious on how Dig actually plays a role in this. I'm assuming it will be a form of Gas to power the thing, much like BNB was initiated to act as a form of Gas on Binance. If that view is correct, then obviously any real value beyond speculative trading will be dependent on others wanting to use it for the real estate and other applications.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks, altho I can't really answer the other questions - off to Discord. lol.
I don't see any other Cosmos coins on Ionomy, so will be interesting IF they try DIG as their first stab ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Actually, the next step is to create national dig-sites in those countries where there has been real interest from realtors, so as you suggested, DIG may then become the gas for all those national sites.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Interesting and reblurt.
@maxinpower, this article could be something for you :-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Man that is all double Dutch to me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow that's really shoddy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi honorable Dear sir @rechard
I am so pleased to see your article.
It is narrated about how to delegate though I don't know about this role.
It is a great opportunity for all blurTians.
May God bless you!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i cant wait to see if i got any 🙂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hey dear thanks for your great content about dig..

How DIG Airdrop 24-Month Release Works: What You Can And Can't Do With Your DIG.

This content so important for dig holder and us.,Thanks for sharing, stay safe have a good day

Yeah, dig helps us a lot and blurt is more favourite nowadays, go on blurt.

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