Edification Corner Issue 5: Many Questions Unanswered About The Way Dig Works

in dig •  3 years ago  (edited)

In this issue, the beneficiary for 99% of the rewards will be @michelangelo3. This post deals with questions that witnesses working on the Dig project should hopefully be able to explain, so a fitting theme for this welcome back post for michelangelo3.

Yesterday I initially had some questions on a post by freakeao on Dig, that as of now remain unanswered. On perusing my feed this morning I see some of that has been answered, yet raised more questions than my initial ones that so far no one has addressed.

So I thought I would see if we can gain some insight into this. So here are the questions.

  • It has been said that our vested stake will be released in 730 daily installments. Is this true?

  • What is the difference, if any in vested and staked?

  • It was said that we are receiving some form of rewards for the vested stake. Is this true?

  • It's being said the wallets we downloaded are no good, and we need to delete the Dig wallet and re-download a new one and the Dig will be in it. Is this true?

  • It's being said that if we delegate our vested stake to someone else on a list, that we can earn between 33% to stated as high as 400% initially. Is this true, and this raises more questions.

  • If a delegation is made, what exactly is the delegator doing with it?

  • Does delegating the stake have a time agreement if one decided to withdraw from that delegation, like we have if we power down our stake on Blurt?

  • Are there any fundamental differences in picking a delegator other than popularity with the person delegating?

  • As our vested becomes unlocked, do we need to then restake it (if its the same using another descriptive term) to grow the stake rewards mentioned above?

These are the questions that jump out to me immediately. I'm sure I'll have more, but these would make a good foundation towards how this works. and why I would want to perform actions with Dig. Thank you for any clarity you might be able to share for the community.




Michelangelo3 was one of the first members here I found myself drawn to. His generosity of spirit coupled with intelligence and critical thinking skills were an instant draw for me. I like to think that it was instant for him too, however I can't really know as he has such a kindness to his ways. One that those he interacts with are all sure to also know he has a genuine caring for them too.

Perhaps a defining moment between us was a post I has made quite some time back. He wasn't feeling it at all, and let me know in my comments. I appreciated the way he let me know he didn't agree or see it from my perspective at all. And as is his way, he was very blunt in saying it, yet not with any sense of meanness. Just a matter of fact statement against the idea, not the man presenting it.

I appreciate(d) his disagreement, and even more so his desire to set to the record it existed. I've always appreciated contrary views when presented without some vicious attack mode in the intent. They allow me to see if my own understanding can withstand the clash between the two. It can either destroy ones narrative, add to it, or strengthen it. A true gift that makes self discovery and science personalized, which is really the special energy that can shape one into a dynamic being. He is just such a person as to bring that energy into the mix, with a touch of compassion that invites one to examine and not be defensive.

As many of you know, he stepped away from Blurt for awhile, as far as being active in the blogging side. When he left, he delegated his large stake to me, for which I'm still in awe and humbled so deeply that I was chosen by him. It's one of the nicest gestures one who you hold in such high esteem can make when they make a gesture such as that, out of all the many who could have been chosen or even had it split up between.

I'll forever be grateful for the honor, and for the high regards he holds for me.

His gesture was a catalyst for myself, in that I had to rethink my use of the self vote. I knew he hadn't entrusted me to its use so I could heavily self vote. So I decided that I would lower my self vote to try excluding what he had delegated to me, and spread that around more in the community.

At this time I wish to give my condolences to those who very much missed his presence here, his support. Despite our many likenesses, our interests aren't always aligned. I was cognizant during the entire time I held this delegation that you would miss that support, however I had to be true to my own interests.

During his absence here on the blogging side, michelangelo3 was still working behind the scenes somewhat for the community. He has a tool he provides for free tot he community that I've found to be invaluable. It gives the data on your voting history.


While he was taking time away, he also added this nifty tool to the mix. It allows you to examine your follow list, and see delegation status, Blurt power and how long since they were last on Blurt.


He also took time to weigh in on issues that concerned him, the latest being the upvu issue. While my final understanding parts ways from his, as it made me more aware of the question on pure investors having a place at Blurt, I'm humbled that he felt passionate enough about this that he needed to weigh in. That right there is a level of caring that makes his an exceptional witness, an exceptional member of the community that leaves us all better off.

He asked for everyone to unvote his witness when he took his leave of absence, but I refused. He has been and will be one of my choices for top witness. He is always quick to support, to give a hand up when needed. There are a few who I consider to be Blurt when I think of Blurt (the real community that needs no community tag to see because you feel it when it happens) and he is definitely one I consider to be Blurt.

And for those on the tech side of things, I've noticed he is just as quick to offer solutions when issues arise, or to help figure them out.

I'm very thankful that he is back now, as it impacted me harder than one would think when he announced his absence.

Blurt is as rycharde would call it a finsoc experiment. Michelangelo3 is one of those who demonstrates a unique and powerful balance between those two often opposing forces. Never one to judge another based on the size of their wallet, nor on the language barriers etc, he is quick to support and encourage.

Blurt is a powerful platform that has a level of caring and community that was not possible on the other chains. Made so by many selfless members such as Michelangelo3.

I'm so glad he's back, as my blog posts were missing his contributions. Even when it was to tell me why he thought I'm wrong.

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Thanks a lot for the warm welcome back! And for setting the beneficiary to me.

Unfortunately I can't tell you anything about your DIG questions, I was more concerned with the technical side. Currently I'm synchronizing the DIG-chain, but I'm not sure yet if I will do a validator in the long run. For my feeling it is better to concentrate on Blurt and so I will probably do it.

Interesting that you chose this video for this post. In Germany, the film ran under the title "Die Verurteilten" - the convicts. For some time now, I have had to experience what it is like to be convicted. This gives me an idea of what it must have been like for black people in the U.S. or other groups of people who were denied humanity. The movie Green Book comes to mind.

Thanks a lot for the warm welcome back! And for setting the beneficiary to me.

I'm so glad you're back. I always had you slated as my next beneficiary once you came back. Blurt is special, and the perfect venue for edifying those deserving as well as demonstrating that investing towards others is very much investing in oneself. In order for folks to shed the scarcity mindset that has been instilled in so many of us, it's necessary for there to be examples for people to draw from. Strengthen those one considers part of their own personal community and those strengthened will in turn strengthen others, with often an overlap in associations of community.

Yeah, this Dig stuff is very confusing. I know the answers will eventually be forthcoming, but hoping to speed it up with my questions that unfortunately when answered seem to create more questions.

I chose the video because of that ending. A great movie on real friendship. I remember tearing up several times during that movie, and that ending was one of them when they reunite on that beach and hug in relief that they once again have time together.

I was unaware they changed the title to the movie there.

For some time now, I have had to experience what it is like to be convicted.

Unfortunately until such time as this devolves into a civil war (which may not happen) we haven't seen anything yet. They are still in the implementation phase of the total control they are finishing installing on us. It's been curious watching more wake up, I just don't know if it will happen quick enough to stop this as they have so many pieces installed. I fear they are drawing this out to make those who would oppose the total tyranny make themselves known so they know who to cull from their Build Back Better new society they are corralling us all into.

Welcome back. :)

I will leave the questions to the experts. I see that freakeao answered some that generated more doubts XD That's good because that's the way we learn, little by little everything becomes clearer.

On the other hand, I'm glad michelangelo is back. It was a great gesture to delegate his BP while he was gone and I think you were the right person to handle such delegation.

Thank you :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't know much about this either. Many questions are running through my head. Your questions are reasonable. I hope the team members have the answers.

If we entrust our dedicated partnership to someone else on a list, we can make a profit. How is it? I am also interested to know the details.

In fact, I have no Dig but these are are very important questions for all Dig holders that you have brought. I think these all questions should be answered very soon by the developers of Dig.

You have praised @michelangelo3 a lot and it moved me to go to his account and check out his all activities. I liked his works so much and found him think tanker, laborious, passionate and dedicated. That's why, I have followed him to get learnings and information.

Perhaps, you won't like it even though I want to say that your posts are always somewhat long. Sometimes, you explain something in deep details that your posts become long.

However, in spite your posts are a little bit long, I prefer to read always and it teaches a lot.

I also welcome @michelangelo3 for coming back to the Blurt community with all vibes and wishes!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are not the only one with questions about the dig drop. I really don't know what we should be doing with it. Sorry I have no answer.

"Ask me no questions. I'll tell you no lies."

I know in time there will be clear explanations for the community about using dig.

I am also really glad to see @michelangelo3 is back. Thanks for posting this today.

Yeah, it's really confusing and I seem to understand almost none of it. The more answers I'm seeing the more questions I'm having.

Like now I'm wondering if we're supposed to delete the whole Keplr wallet or just the dig wallet inside the wallet.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sounds like it is best to delete the whole wallet from what I read from Freakeao, the new version you download has everything mapped correctly. I appreciate all your questions because sometime I jump in head first and then ask questions later and you are doing a lot of that work for me.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  



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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


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Great post as aways

Thank you :)

Hi sir!
I have dared to organise a very simple and easy contest with all passions and dedications.
It will be very satisfying thing for me if you have a look at it and encourage me for future.
Here is the link:

Best of luck with your contest.

Thank you sir for these priceless words!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What did I miss? Haven't been here for a month now.

They did the airdrop for Dig and these questions pertain to the delegation of it.