RETRACTED SEE EDIT: How to see the DIG balances in your Keplr Wallet

in dig •  3 years ago  (edited)

EDIT: Some of the information I passed on here is not correct. The best thing to do is uninstall your keplr wallet and reinstall it and recover your account using your seed phrase. This will allow you to see your dig and for it to be correctly labeled as dig in the wallet For more info please see this post by @freakeao

I was feeling adventurous tonight and wanted to read some more on dig so

I used translate to read this post by @dotwin1981

I am very glad I did this because it helped me to be able to 1 see my DIG airdrop in my actual keplr wallet and 2 delegate those funds to a validator.

I was not able to see my funds in the Keplr wallet and the below steps that I clarified by commenting on the above post allowed me to see them and then delegate them.

Delegating at this stage will give you a very high return on your staked funds. I am still learning what all this means and the implications of different validators. But in appreciation for this information I delegated to @dotwin1981.

Step 1:
We will assume you all have a keplr wallet at this point. Click on the keplr extension in your browser and open it, log in if you are prompted.

At the top click on the drop down bar next to the currency name.


Scroll to the bottom under beta support it will probably say DIG. Click on the X next to this and delete it.

Step 2:
Click on this link

Above the validators name click on the Add $DIG to Keplar button.

You will now have an option of Chihuahua and this will show your Dig balance.


Step 3:
You can now delegate your balance to one of the validators to put it to work in this early stage of the chain.

Go back to

And choose a delegator and click on the name. You can then delegate to that person.

@dotwin1981 has very detailed steps on how to do this. Buf if you are anything like me you might miss that first step and get lost. Hope this was as helpful as @dotwin1981 was for me.

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Thank you for clarifying some of this, yet it also raises even more questions.

I'm going to hold off for now on deleting the wallet I was told to download and install the new one, or delegate or any of that until I know a little more about what my actions are agreeing to and designed to do.

Appreciate those of you forging ahead in the dark on this.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes I do not understand it all myself. But as I see that it was something I did not have yesterday I am willing to take those risks.

I see it as giving your stake to power the early miners but in a DPOS environment they are validators rather than miners. There also is no other way yet that I am aware of to interact with this blockchain.

Lets see how it all goes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have made an edit to reflect the corrections noted by Freakeao.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sir about the DIG coin and the keplr wallet. I have read your other post but I still don't understand. I want to know even a little about it and how to go about the DIG coin and everything. Thank you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

DIG is a new blockchain on the Cosmos network. It shares some of the same founders as Blurt and they have always vowed to make sure blurt users and investors are included on new baby blockchains. DIG is a project looking to use NFTs and blockchain to govern and administer smart contracts for real world real estate projects. Depending on how long you have been with blurt and if you have been powered up you could have gone through the process of signing up for this airdrop.

At this point though you may have missed it but there are more coming particularly Gamestate. So see what you can do about staying on top of these things in the future. Best way is to look over the trending tab sometimes an the blurt discord.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hmmm… I clicked the x … deleted dig from the Keplr extension…
When I try to stake to Dotwin on look.chill I get an error that says
Error: There is no chain for dig-1 ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ok… fixed that problem … now it says I have Insufficient available balance for transaction fee ??

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ok … I had to set the Gas Fee ??? No idea what I was supposed to use … 2 ? 200 ?

Do I lose this fee ? Where does it go ???

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I left it as the 800 the other post I referenced he didnt touch on this subject. Did you change it to something else?

As for when I delegated I did everything except .6 Dig.

I have already got 240 Dig in rewards over night. Not bad. But my understanding is that as more people stake the yields will decrease.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think I set it to 200 … I delegated everything but 100. I will see how much I earned …it gets deposited to your delegated dig ? Or liquid ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I really don't know. I have not collected them yet. I think it should be treated differently than what we have been airdropped too theoretically. Because what we have been airdropped should only become available bit by bit every day for the next 2 years. I would think that what is earned as rewards now should not be captive in the same way. But I do not know how this is differentiated when looking at your holding, what is available and what is not, what has been released and what is stored.

Lots of good questions I am sure we will slowly get our answers much like when we started with blurt. It is a new learning curve. Thanks for the questions and your insight also.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Well.. thanks for posting this information. I only learn anything by asking lots of questions.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Myself as well also by doing.

I know you didn't have a good experience on Cub finance but I am giving Tribaldex pools a try and seeing how things go.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Please see my edit looks like this was not the best way to do this.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ok I went and claimed my rewards just to see what happens. First of all you are given an option of entering in the Fees. Why am I given the option I do not know?

It was by default 800 again so I changed it to 200. Then keplr comes up and you once again have the option of choosing low, medium, or high gas fees. I chose low here.

After that I have 267 showing as available in my keplr wallet. So to answer your question it comes unstaked and as available in the wallet. But the option of the fees is what is strange for me. I would imagine it would have to do with the speed of the transaction but it was instant. Maybe as the network gets busier this will have more of an effect. I dont know.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah … I never understand how gas fees work and why someone would choose high fees ???? So confusing to the average blogger

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for this! I had set up my Keplr wallet a month or so ago and was waiting for the DIG to show up. Now I can actually see it. lol.

Now I need to understand what I can do with it. ;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Well from what I understand the best thing now is to provide a delegation to one of the validators. I gained 240 Dig in rewards just overnight for doing this. I am hoping there will be a front end soon which will provide a way to interact with the block chain and invest in fractional real estate. But even with that I think I understand that DIG will be the governance token and the projects based in different countries will be other tokens/NFT based.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah, I earned about 13 last night. Now I will try to withdraw and add it to a validator. Not really sure I understand what the udig is but the actual gas fees in DIG seemed pretty low for staking to a validator. Just another daily learning curve in Crypto. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Please see my edit, looks like Freakeao has made a post about the correct way to do this.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks, I will check it out. I seem to be earning dig but can't withdraw rewards to re-delegate. Was able to get a some rewards out by removing a small delegation that I had made to another validator, but now that original delegation is stuck in unbonding. Not sure how long that lasts. lol.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You should be able to claim rewards without undelegating. I read somewhere the undelegation could take up to 21 days but this has to be rechecked.

I made about 1000 rewards and delegated that one to another bottom validator. So I am delegated to two different accounts now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I figured that undelegated DIG could be lost for a while. Luckily it is just a small amount.

I think my wallet is straightened out now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. The withdraw rewards button still won't work for me... it takes my gas fee but doesn't remove it. I did find if I delegate some more to the same validator though I do get the rewards and it resets the reward balance to zero.

I'll probably just let things ride for a week and monitor what happens. It almost seemed like my rewards per day were increasing even with out claiming and re delegating. We shall see. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Glad to hear you got it all worked out.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have straightened out my wallet now. I gave myself a bit of a scare because I used the seed phrase restore and it was not the same addresses that I had attested to. I then used the email address restore on my keplr wallet and found my dig. So now everything looks correct with Dig in my wallet.

I have tried to withdraw rewards a second time and it is not doing anything. Perhaps there is a time limit on the withdraws or the one small delegation I did is too small to withdraw now. I dont really understand it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes as you can see in the back and forth between me and @offgridlife we are all scratching our heads about the udig and fees, and also why we have a choice over what feeds to give.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks. I was able to stake all my Dig. Do you know if we have to claim any earned Dig or do they get deposited automatically ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In that same app there is the wallet. You click on the hamberger menu on the wallet and go to details. It will show your rewards there and you can claim them periodically. Looks like there is a small fee on claiming so letting it accumulate may be best.

It's a great news for us

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Great tutorials. I install keplr and check my wallet but I got no DIG airdrops at a moment.
I hope it will come later.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes see the comment I made for Chaalee. This is something that has been in the works for a long time the snap shot was taken months ago and it was required to attest for the airdrop months ago. If you are a newer member you might have missed out on these things.

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