Unofficial Development Updates | 28 December 2022

in devlog •  2 years ago 

Hi everyone, it has been a long time since we posted any updates. I think it will be the last update for this year. So here we are with updates.

Before we move to important topics, let us share what we added.

Dev Updates

  • Reading time estimation feature added
  • Muting (updates and fixes)
  • Account info page
  • Some nav fixes
  • Claim Box in notifications
  • Some more fixes


After the witness changes, our rank was dropped, but still we are running it because we belive in the project. If things don't get back to how they should be, we might have to turn of as well, Just a last push by us.

About the Services

As you all know the updates are done by @tekraze only and were done for the other frontends as well.

He stopped supporting the dev work on latam because of some issues as well the live frontend.

Now we have lost both as well, who were providing services like RPC, and Wallet as well. All the services are down because they couldn't get the support they expected from the community.

It's sad to see this when we have a big community and projects like these just dying.

But coming back to, we still have all the services running. We also need your support.

As the price of blurt is down and we don't recommend selling, we are looking to alternatives.

We have also removed the default beneficiary because some people thought, we are becoming rich, but the truth is that we did not even make 100 blurt a month, which anyone can get from a single post.

So, if anyone wants to support us, they can manually add the beneficiary as

Ads for revenue

As we said the Blurt price is very low, we do not recommend selling. So, we are trying to look other ways, as we have servers with services running, those we need to pay.

Some will say, what we are getting supporting you. We only have this to say, that there are many issues happening at the main domain in recent times, and we have made sure unofficial frontends keep running to have the least downtime.

Now, some will say, if you can keep these running well, then why not the main domain?
It's because it's related to the servers as well as CDN. Those are different for each service, and we can not be sure at which time it will go down. We just make sure, at least we have one working server (in a different location)

So, we are trying to make ads run on our frontend.

We have applied for A-ads as well as Google Adsense


Unfortunately, we did not earn anything from this. It's way worse. Not even a dollar. But still, we are keeping them until we get approval from other sites.
Maybe we get lucky someday, who knows?

Google Ads

We have submitted our domain to Google AdSense, and we are just waiting for approval from the team. We are not sure if they will approve or not, but we are trying.

We know, most of you people hate google and how they advertise. But still, we ask you all to support us by enabling ads, and clicking on an ad if it really works for you and shows something interesting.

Until the market is back, and we have other ways, it's the best we can do as of now. It's not bad, then selling blurt for pennies, We are sure you all will agree.

This time maybe, we can let web2 help web3, and when we are stable we can be free of that.

Thanks everyone, we hope you will support us.

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Hope the new ads work better than A-Ads. I have turned off my ad blocker for

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks, yes, these ads are better than A-ads

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Best of luck with the project; I tend to bounce around between front ends to help with various other projects. I don't have an issue with using third-party advertising services to help generate some revenue. It's tough right now because of the state of the crypto market; I can understand the need.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the support. We are currently testing with different ad networks, as for some reason Google ads are not working for us.

Posted from