RE: AI ... AI everywhere!

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AI ... AI everywhere!

in dev •  last year 

1st! (to follow you here on Blurt!)

Good topic! I have also been tinkering with AI recently. It's quite the tool... but it does call into question... what is real and what is not? When the human wields the tool it is easy to say, "This is the real deal! Would you look at that!" But when our tools automatically generate works of "reality" human minds look on in disbelief. It's a challenge really... I mean now what right!?

By the way... AI search might also be something to look into. I know that Google is feeling the heat from this technology and in a world where investors are paid to be "right" AI search might blow this popsicle stand!

What do you think?

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  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you too for the warm welcome!!! :-) 😀👍
Well, as I already commented to @angelica7, I have a background in "tech" (am a developer too) and therefore I can tell you a thing or two (which I probably will as well, haha!) about AI and its implications on various fields. As I wrote, these type of new AIs belong to the field of what's now been called "generative" AIs: you can generate stuff with them, right?

  • tools like MidJourney, Dalle2, StableDiffusion, those you can use to generate artistic impressions, images
  • tools like ChatGPT can be used for "conversations", and therefore indeed also search (integrated with "new Bing" and "code" (which can be done using chatGPT but also specialised variants of it, called for example Github Copilot.

I'll blog more about them! Stay tuned and thx again for the welcome!!!!