Spider Ant -- Photography and Love

in deutsch •  4 years ago 

Hello everyone

Hope you are all well
today i am talking about s intersting Ant Spider
Insects are very common in our world. There are huge number of insect but some insects are very ugly and some insects very interesting because, some time we do not understand that what is that?




Well today I am describing one kind of this insect which is very interesting and you know that some time making mistakes that what kind of thing is that ! some time there think it's ant and some time they are think it's a spider, but the most important thing is it's a ant spider. that is the name is this because its total body is just like a ant and its head and others is like spider, but it's a spider.

Have a look at the body .I am starting with its head . at first I am talking about its head you can see they are is big mandible which is almost a same as body size. you know that mandible is very important for insect and specially for the arthropod insect . maximum of arthropod with mandible , which is the survive and stay in dry place.

let's talk about eyes . you can see here it has total 8 number of eyes . so you can easily understand that it's a spider . there is only one insect in the world who have too much eyes. Everyone know that spider have 8 eyes . and you can see here this insects has also 8 eyes . so that means it's a spiral its confirm .

Let's talk about its body. You can see here its body is just look like ant and you know that ant is just look like its body shape and everything is the like others, but when you are trying to see it closely than you can see there is a smile that it's not a ant . so its body shape looks like a ant so it's called a ant spider .







Some people are very exciting when they are seeing this kinds of insect . actually I am one of them, when I am seeing this insect. I am very exciting to understand that what is this! then I am just taking some photos and I am trying to search in Google and then I find that its a spider and then I am very happy that it’s a ant spider. Actually, there are too kinds of spider in this planet .they are different color, different shape and body work . some are very fast and some are very slow and some are making net and some are not making it . they are Hunter. these kinds of spider is a hunter its not making any kind of net. so you can easily understand that which kinds of a spider have big mandible They are a hunter and this spider is the hunter. Its hunting small insect as like a mosquito and also flies . you can easily understand that it's the one kinds of deadly spider I ever seen because his face is so deadly.

Lest talk about my photography. everyday I am trying to click too much photos with my mobile phone but sometimes it not possible. because I have to work . but I am always ready with my mobile phone and macro lens. sometime I am getting my Macro lens with my pocket because if I am seeing anything which is beautiful and which is interesting I am trying to click of these things and specially insect. actually I love insect more than flowers and other thing . you know, that photography is just like my passion . so I just doing this kind of thing. I hope you all like this photo.**

Thanks for your time

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