RE: COAL-Liste und Vote-Services

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COAL-Liste und Vote-Services

in deutsch •  3 years ago 

The fault with that is two fold.

  • I don't need a mute feature forced on me. Anothers need for a mute might not be my own.

  • If content theft is taking place, muting does not mitigate the legal responsibility of a platform to not allow it. In fact, simply muting the content thief would likely result in making the platform more liable as they continue to allow the theft to continue being posted on their platform.

COAL is a good first step, but at some point the foundation running the front end (or others who run or plan on running a front end) will need to kick these thieves off their platforms to fully immunize themselves from legal jeopardy.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

section 230 makes the POSTER OF CONTENT (and NOT the site-host) solely responsible for any (valid or invalid) legal challenge that might materialize

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I would cite in rebuttal the ruling against Napster many years ago to demonstrate a platform can indeed be found liable for the illegal sharing of others property.

Edited to add

Also the actions taken against the Silk Road guy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Maybe people should not be allowed on the Internet... I would make THAT a Law!

That day is coming soon for many of us I have no doubt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In the United States at least, it is legal [to record to VHS and copy and share]. You may record any TV program for your own use and you may also give physical copies of the recording away to other people. That last part may surprise a lot of readers but it is true. You just can’t charge money for the recording, you can’t share it as a digital file, and you can’t mass produce copies of it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"If users are not themselves infringing, then we are not liable for contributory infringement," Napster attorney Jonathan Schiller wrote in Napster's briefs relying on the Audio Home Recording Act.

it is perfectly legal to burn your cd's and make copies for your friends - as long as you don't SELL THEM.

the ruling against napster makes no sense.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

there is no such thing as a "content thief"

ideas are not property

I think doing a cover of a song or painting someone else’s picture is one thing but actually taking that persons exact song or art and saying it’s yours is plagerism. It’s ok to say this person inspired me so I also tried singing / painting it etc

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

if i design a machine

like an engine

or a microscope

and i patent that design

after 20 years


isn't designing an engine generally more difficult than writing a song ?

Sorry on my cats account lol 🤣

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Copying is differntly tonsharint the exact same photo. So if someone paints my art and makes 5 small changes they can do that. Screengrabbing my actual art and sayings it’s theirs they can’t

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

even after 20 years ?

If someone copy pastes anothers presentation and passes it off as their own, that is indeed theft of content.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Then you should not upvote that...

Think rationally...

How do you protect these ALL THESE Artists who are being ripped off?

(hint... you really cant)

How do you protect these ALL THESE Artists who are being ripped off?

(hint... you really cant)

This isn't about protecting the artists. Please read my recent post.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This closely parallel s the perilous intentions of the block. Plagiarism vs Terrorism.

I don't see it in quite the same light. The false Jan 6th narrative involves an acting job by the FBI to try to paint a picture of those who believe in the constitution and natural law as terrorists. The plagiarism issue is actually real, and as I pointed out in my post there are certain steps a platform must take to be immune using Safe Harbor guidelines. Which unfortunately I don't see the actions taken being enough for them to qualify, as they aren't preventing known culprits from continuing to post the stolen pictures and posts etc.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

plagiarism issue is actually real

I disagree...
I think THEY got YOU thinking the issue is an issue... Because plagiarism is real. But plagiarism is not an issue for me... You see.

Don't break the block chain to serve only one worldview at the expense of others.

The MUTE AND MOVE ON supports both worldviews.

But I digress... I support YOUR WRITE to support this initiative. I'm lost in the hoopla because as someone who is accused of Plagiarism, I stand more in principle with the jan6 terrorists than I do with HIVE plagiarists...

So more of the wrong thing righter when you let a Few Dicks set the rules and start defining people like me... 😐 I'm used to it by now... But I still won't go along with it.

I gotta book to write.

I disagree...
I think THEY got YOU thinking the issue is an issue... Because plagiarism is real. But plagiarism is not an issue for me... You see.

I see that you are sufficiently charged enough on this issue to make a claim that I'm being mind controlled because I see this differently from you. I see that for sure.

Don't break the block chain to serve only one worldview at the expense of others.

Nothing was changed in the code. Your assertion shows you don't fully understand what was done. As I said in my post, anyone can feel free to create their own front end to the chain without using the COAL list and assume any and all responsibility. If you feel so strongly anyone should feel free to post anything they like regardless, I suggest you start your own app/front end and take the liability for the actions you prefer.

Again this is solely at a front end app level which is not the chain, it's an independently owned app.


This is what I personally do. I've stated several times when the subject comes up that I'm not a policeman and don't have the time nor inclination to spend energy on reporting and rooting out this problem. I move on.

I do support property rights, and the protection of those rights. So there is no question I support the owners of the front end apps protecting their property (app). It isn't my property to tell them what they can or can't do with it. It doesn't belong to me, it's theirs. If they wish to begin protecting themselves, it also makes logical sense.

But plagiarism is not an issue for me... You see.

It's easier for it not to be an issue for those of us not facing any possibility of legal/financial repercussion. Because being it's not our property we aren't liable the way the owners are.

because as someone who is accused of Plagiarism

I'm sorry to hear you endured that. I don't believe you'll have that issue here at Blurt. If you do, understand that the results will be different. The Foundation is different, the sense of community is different. I can assure you that false accusations here will be met with a push back that had bite unlike the other chains. No one here will falsely accuse and get away with it.

One thing I will say is the lack of downvotes leads to healthy discussions like this one. Imagine if we all got downvoted now if we had a different opinion on what should happen 🤣

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This entire post would be invisible with downvotes. Every comment, every thought would be censored.

Yeah hahahaha 🤣

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A better form of Discord needs to be built on top of BLURT here IMO...


Just consider THIS form of communication better than Discord! ; )

Screen Shot 2021-12-12 at 12.08.58 PM.png

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


it's easy to imagine getting downvoted for asking why people are brainwashed into a perverse "corporate morality" that is fundamentally "anti-human"

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

decentralized mute lists should always be OPTIONAL

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Opt in or Opt out.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

a global mute list would be opt-out

individual user created lists would be opt-in

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Nothing is forced on anybody. Everyone has a Choice. Opt in or Opt out… it’s Optional….