RE: 11 days are left until 7/07/2022

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11 days are left until 7/07/2022

in deutsch •  2 years ago 

No i thhink it was set up by Mossad who run the CIA, and they used puppet suckerburg as a cover story...they have good dirt on him, hes a pervert and his wife is another tranny

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Interesting my opinion is steemit and hive and maybe even blurt who knows was set up by the CIA as an experiment. I What evidence did you find out about Zuck? He’s defo reptilian

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah i think so too.

Zuckerburg...i think i have a blog post about him somewhere...ill see if i can find it

That link sounds pretty plausible tbh

I mean he’s defo on side now they let him get away with all kinds of shit